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Template:Basic NPC Summary/Doc

< Template:Basic NPC Summary


This template creates an infobox for use on NPC pages with few technical details. It includes the appropriate bread crumb trails and categories. It can be used on all Arena, Daggerfall, Battlespire, Redguard, and Castles pages (possibly TES Travels as well).


Basic NPC Summary
Parameter Scope Description
titlename optional NPC's name as displayed at the top of the infobox. Generally not needed; will default to use PAGENAME. Only needed when pagename contains extra information (i.e., disambiguation).
notrail optional If set to "yes", the breadcrumb trail normally created by the template is suppressed (for cases where multiple templates are used on one page or when used for a generic NPC.
width optional Width to use for the table (in percent, do not include the percentage sign). Default value is 20. This parameter only needs to be set in cases when the default value needs to be altered, for example when putting the infobox inside a table for better layout.
image required The name of an image file for this NPC, just the file name.
imgdesc see note Description of image (only needed if image is provided).
nocat optional Override most categorization (trail and improper image categories are still included).
nosave optional Disable the template's #save.
city optional NPC's "Home City" (formatted as a link to appropriate page).
town optional NPC's "Home Town" (formatted as a link to appropriate page), if NPC lives in a town instead of a city.
loc optional "Location" where NPC can be found, often used to specify which building in the city/town.
race see note Race. It should be a plain word, i.e., not a link. If a corresponding race page does not exist, link uses lore namespace.
gender required Male or Female.
health optional NPC's health.
magicka optional NPC's magicka.
stamina/fatigue optional NPC's stamina/fatigue.
damage optional NPC's damage.
age optional NPC's initial age.
faction optional Factions to which NPC belongs.
traits optional Traits this NPC has.
id optional NPC's ID.


{{Basic NPC Summary