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Tamriel Rebuilt:Alteration Spells

< Mod / Morrowind: Tamriel Rebuilt: Spells(Redirected from Tamriel Rebuilt:Spells/Weight of Oblivion)

MW-icon-effect-Burden.jpg BurdenEdit

Spell Cost Spellbook
Weight of Guilt
500 points for 3 seconds on Target
100 The Weight of Guilt

MW-icon-effect-Feather.jpg FeatherEdit

Spell Cost Spellbook
500 points in 10 foot for 3 seconds on Target
100 Bralegel's Note

MW-icon-effect-Jump.jpg JumpEdit

Spell Cost Spellbook
To the ja-Kha'jay
50 points for 20 seconds on Self
130 A Taste of Sugar

MW-icon-effect-Lock.jpg LockEdit

Spell Cost Spellbook
Dalgor's Entwining
100 points on Touch

MW-icon-effect-Slowfall.jpg SlowfallEdit

Spell Cost Spellbook
Fuchon Cire's Gentle Descent
10 points for 20 seconds on Self
20 Above It All

MW-icon-effect-Swift Swim.jpg Swift SwimEdit

Spell Cost Spellbook
Dreugh's Grace
30 points for 20 seconds on Touch
50 Like in the Deal

MW-icon-effect-Water Breathing.jpg Water BreathingEdit

Spell Cost Spellbook
Suicide Dive
For 10 seconds on Touch
2 A Just Punishment