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Skyrim talk:Seeker

Not all Seekers HostileEdit

I dont know how to use this page, sorry. I just wanted to note that some Seekers do the "go away" thing some bandits (and some foresworn) do and will simply stare at you and not attack, even if they can clearly see you, unless you approach closely or hit them. I tested it with one (in Lost Legends, i think) and let him spot me while sneaking, then stood up, then walked around the outskirts of the room and out without him going hostile, or even preventing me from using the Wait function. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 21:08 on 10 December 2012

a seeker gave me ataxiaEdit

even though I was a vampire-- 07:21, 8 February 2013 (GMT)

smoke form - facing directionEdit

When a seeker is in smoke/shadow form and is bearly seen u can detrmine the direction which he faces be the smoke's inclanation direction - if the smoke is inclined so that if u say that it begins in the ground a goes north as it rises then the seeker faces north - this can be important for close combat stealth oriented characters - assassins. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 21:22 on 26 August 2013

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