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Skyrim talk:Poacher's Axe

Infobox is IncorrectEdit

The damage rating listed in the infobox is 5 (the same as a standard Woodcutter's Axe), but in-game the base damage appears to be 6. Also the value is listed at 32, but in-game is 31. I'm going to go ahead and make these changes. Username12345 (talk) 03:59, 2 January 2015 (GMT)

While you did correct the value, the base damage was five. You cannot check base values in-game due to your own stats altering equipment. Please only check the with the Creation Kit or the CSList in the future. --AKB Talk Cont Mail 04:13, 2 January 2015 (GMT)
Okay sorry about that, but that raises another question: the Woodcutter's Axe page (specialty gear) lists its base damage at 5 also, but in-game, it does less damage than the Poacher's Axe. Not sure how this can be if they have the same base damage. Is the Woodcutter's Axe page wrong? Username12345 (talk) 04:21, 2 January 2015 (GMT)
Don't worry about it, it's fine. The Woodcutter's Axe has a base of 5. --AKB Talk Cont Mail 05:22, 2 January 2015 (GMT)
The Poacher's Axe is considered a War Axe, while the Woodcutter's Axe is not considered as any kind of specific weapon. Although by looking at their stats and comparing them, both weapons seem to be able to be under the One Handed skill. Could it be the WeapTypeWarAxe keyword in the Poacher's Axe is making it gain more damage over the Poacher's Axe? (also it seems the Woodcutter's Axe deals more critical damage than the Poacher's Axe) — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 19:05 on 15 January 2015 (UTC)


Do you guys know whether it respawns or not? According to a wikia, it is also available in general stores. Can anyone confirm it? It would be nice to add such information here for players who might have accidentally lost it (like me, heh). -DesuEx — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 15:28 on 8 February 2015 (UTC)

Temper MaterialEdit

Anyone else think it's a bit odd that it uses a steel ingot for tempering, despite being listed as iron, and every other pickaxe/woodcutter's axe being iron? Actually, now that I've looked into it, the poacher's axe could originally be tempered while the other tools' tempering was added by the unofficial patch. Wonder if it's a bug or even worth thinking about? -Caraamon (talk) 20:42, 11 April 2018 (UTC)

:Poachers Axe SpawnEdit

Poachers Axe has a chance to spawn on people as well. I had found mine on an Orc in Halted Stream Camp.
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