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Skyrim talk:Miraak's Staff

Documenting InformationEdit

hey stratos97 here im suprised no one has put up this page up like i have can someone put it up in the chart form and also why hasnt people put up information about miraaks sword i put that up to when i killed him i saw those weapons and put the stats up plz edit both and youre welcome for the factual info- Randy Thompson — Unsigned comment by Stratos97 (talkcontribs) at 05:16 on 7 December 2012‎

Since the game is so new, there is loads of information to add and document on the wiki. It will take some time for everything to be posted, so there are many pages missing at this point. Thanks for the help with posting information. I'll get to formatting this page appropriately sometime in the near future. — ABCface 06:40, 7 December 2012 (GMT)


What is exactly different about the different versions except value? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 21:04 on 8 February 2013

There is no significant difference. The first, second, and third versions that you can get are identical except for value and the ENCH records they use for the enchantment. However, all three ENCH records appear to be identical. So the only significant difference is still the value. — ABCface 04:34, 9 February 2013 (GMT)


any one get this? when i went to jail and broke out, i found all my items but not the staff. after searching all the guards 1 had it. afterwards i paid off my bounty in another hold and the staff dissapeared. any way to fix? i found out a few days later and tried killing guards but couldn't find it. on PS3 — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 18:34 on 25 June 2013

I keep losing the staff out of my inventory for no reason — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 19:15 on 4 April 2021 (UTC)

44 Uses?Edit

Copied from Article:

"Miraak's staff has 44 uses, which is more than any other direct damage causing staff."

What is it the writer wants to tell us? -- SarthesArai Talk 12:23, 14 December 2013 (GMT)

It's saying that the staff has more charges then any other damage dealing staff, so it doesn't have to be recharged as much, saving you soul gems. I've removed the note before, but it was readded. --AN|L (talk) 15:55, 14 December 2013 (GMT)
Ah, I thought it had something to do with the "Use Info" from CK. Maybe we should clarify that it means charges. -- SarthesArai Talk 16:09, 14 December 2013 (GMT)


Moved confirmed bug from main page:

Placing the staff on a weapon rack may cause it to disappear. (Level 1-44 version, rack in Severin Manor.)

Needs to be re-added somewhere if not here. —Legoless (talk) 15:40, 15 December 2013 (GMT)

I have the Level 45-59 version. It doesn't disappear, but doesn't play well with all of the weapon racks, either. If I try to place the staff on one of the Severin Manor racks, that can hold two weapons and a shield, it appears floating in mid air somewhere behind me. I can pick it up and it appears in my inventory just fine, but the rack remains occupied. I mean, it seems empty, but I can't pick anything from it nor place anything on it. Everything works ok with single weapon racks.
-- 08:27, 29 March 2014 (GMT)

2 staves?Edit

I pickpocketed the staff off of Miraak when he stole a dragon's soul and when I fought him I got the right one. The staff I pickpocketed from him had the same effect, but the tentacles were replaced by lighning. Is that normal? 17:50, 24 February 2014 (GMT)

That is probably DLC2MiraakStaff. There are a whole slew of different "Miraaks" in the game data. Interesting that the version stealing souls isn't essential - does that mean you could just have killed him instead too? --Alfwyn (talk) 18:54, 24 February 2014 (GMT)

Items, Apparel Enchantments to reduce staff having to be recharged?Edit

When I have destruction staves operating when I have equipped enough enchanted apparel to lower my destruction spell costs to zero (0), they never have to be recharged, so what school of magic should apparel be enchanted to reduce this staff's having to be recharged in a similar way?

I had tried destruction, restoration, conjuration, but none of these seemed to work for this staff like they did for the corresponding type staves specific to those schools of magic? 19:22, 1 July 2017 (UTC)

Mora's Power is a lesser power and has no associated magic school. I don't know if being a lesser power makes a difference but having no school attached does. The poison effect from the tentacles is treated separately and is associated to the destruction school. Silence is GoldenBreak the Silence 19:53, 1 July 2017 (UTC)
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