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Skyrim talk:Dungeon Delving (Bandits)

Marrying ShahveeEdit

For male Argonian players: receiving this quest from Amren appears to make it impossible to marry Shahvee (without using the console to improve your relationship rank with her). Have yet to see if turning Amren down allows you to get it from Shahvee instead. -Wordwyrm 14:41, 27 December 2011 (UTC)

For what it's worth, I tried a few times to get this quest from Shahvee, both before and after doing Amren's quest, without any luck. On each of those unsuccessful tries I talked to her outside at her tanning rack. However, when I ran to her inside the Argonian Assemblage (at 8am), she immediately gave me the quest. I suspect that being in the Assemblage building may be the main condition necessary before getting the quest. --NepheleTalk 06:22, 9 January 2012 (UTC)
Might be, but she also always gives me the quest when she's at the tanning rack. The one time she didn't do that was when Amren's quest was still in my quest log, leading me to the belief that you need to complete his task first (or at least not do them simultaneously). Wolok gro-Barok 17:01, 9 January 2012 (UTC)
I'm sorry, but I don't see why this only concerns "male Argonian players"... just saying. -- 01:49, 15 January 2012 (UTC)
Amren's quest only blocks Shahvee's when it is active. If you actually get him his sword and complete it, Shahvee is then able to give you hers. 03:59, 25 August 2012 (UTC)
Yes, if stage 10 of the quest is set, the required dialogue doesn't appear. I had trouble getting the quest from her, after I completed it for Amren. Using "sqs Favor204" showed, that all stages of the quest were set. Speaking with her in the Assembly didn't do any good. After about two days of playing, only stage 1 and 200 were set and I had no problems getting the quest from Shahvee outside. The quest scripts do some things I don't fully understand with timeouts when changing locations. I did however enter the Assemblege briefly when picking that lock so all the Argonians would come outside, maybe that has something to do with it. --Alfwyn (talk) 20:52, 10 September 2012 (EDT)

Quest failed (Amren)Edit

I received this quest from Amren, to retrieve his sword from White River Watch. I didn't attend to it straight away, as usual, and while I was in Jorrvaskr (a day or two after receiving the quest), watching the brawl that occurs the first time you visit, a message appeared saying the quest had failed. I've played a few characters before (I've just started a new one for Dawnguard) and never had any problem with it, but haven't previously had to retrieve the sword from White River Watch before, as far as I can recall. Peterguard 17:39, 24 August 2012 (UTC)

No matter, I found out why. Later on I found a dead guard, and then, nearby, a dead Amren in Whiterun. Then a master vampire attacked me! Peterguard 21:57, 24 August 2012 (UTC)
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