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Skyrim talk:Dawnguard Rune Shield

Enchantment Bug?Edit

Upgrading it at a smithing bench seems to disable the sun shield enchantment. SonGoharotto 19:19, 1 August 2012 (UTC)

CORRECTION: Had several saves before and after I noticed the enchantment bug, so I did some more testing. (Playing on Xbox for reference.) The bug kicks in when you use the Left and Right d-pad hotkeys to switch weapon sets; i.e. bow and sword/shield. Can be corrected by opening the menu or favorites to deequip/reequip the shield. SonGoharotto 19:34, 1 August 2012 (UTC)

NPC Reaction when Shield is EquippedEdit

I have noticed that when I pass NPC's in town they make a comment about how "That spell looks dangerous - keep your distance!", that I hope I know what I am doing with that spell, etc. I Unequipped the shield and the comments stopped. I re-equipped the shield and ran by a beggar who said. "Don't hurt me!" Unequip the shield and no reaction. After posting this I have consistently noticed that the rune shield is regarded as an active spell. (Magskall 19:55, 10 August 2012 (UTC))

In Addendum to what I wrote above. The comments seem to have ended from NPCs when my character approaches with the rune shield equipped. After about 6 hours of game time since yesterday, I have not heard that reaction from NPCs. The only piece of equipment that has changed is that I now have the rune axe and have retired Dawnbreaker. (it wasn't Dawnbreaker) But I have noticed that the Sun spell that activates when you use the shield has not actually activated within this period of time either. (Magskall 00:20, 15 August 2012 (UTC))

And to correct my addendum above, the comments are back, NPC's are very uneasy when this shield is equipped. It may register as an active flame spell, like an active flame cloak. A Master Vampire attacked me inside Whiterun. A number of NPCs started to cluster around the both of us, attcking the vampire. I decided to just defend and use the shield. The sunlight spell activated, the vamp was soom killed and my character was chastised and told he "burn the whole place down with that spell!". I also had NPCs in Dawnstar refuse to deal with me until the shield was put away. (Magskall 21:42, 23 August 2012 (UTC))

Re: Stopping the reactions - Currently have the shield equipped without the issues mentioned. If it happens, quickest solution is to block with it, release block, then drop the shield and pick it up again. It's only a temporary fix, but it works until the shield is used again.

Levels DestructionEdit

Apparently, this shield will increase your destruction skill. Most likely a bug, but good to know. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 14:59 on 13 August 2012

I have yet to see it affect any of my skills. (Magskall 21:37, 23 August 2012 (UTC))
I think the IP is correct. It's got to be because of the aura effect. --Morrolan (talk) 04:47, 25 September 2013 (GMT)

enchanting idEdit

anybody know the id of how to enchant this effect? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 03:43 on 21 June 2013

ex playerenchantobject 13964 7E5D2 7E5D3 for a shield that summons fire and ice thralls
(it would be the id of the effect.
on this site:
it would be listed under mgeff — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 13:35 on 21 June 2013
unfortunately that doesn't include dlc — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 02:29 on 25 September 2013‎
I'm not positive, but is this what you're looking for? — ABCface 04:19, 27 June 2013 (GMT)
yes! thank you — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 02:29 on 25 September 2013‎

Doubled Effect?Edit

I don't have this item yet, but it may be worth noting whether this effect can be stacked with the Stendarr's Aura. I assume it does, which gives it decent value, but if not then it doesn't all that useful since a Dawnguard character should really have enough Restoration to use Stendarr's Aura anyway. Haravikk (talk) 20:10, 27 September 2013 (GMT)

As they are two separate spells, I wouldn't see why it wouldn't work (the effect has the same name in the cs but is actually a different spell) --AN|L (talk) 22:13, 27 September 2013 (GMT)

No Arcane Blacksmith requiredEdit

While testing that the Advanced Armors perk indeed doubles tempering improvement, I noticed that tempering doesn't need the Arcane Blacksmith perk, despite the shield having an enchantment. --Alfwyn (talk) 01:03, 18 January 2014 (GMT)

Well, looking at the game data, this is of course because the shield isn't really enchanted and has just a script attached and a nice description. --Alfwyn (talk) 16:15, 18 January 2014 (GMT)

Heavy or LightEdit

Anyone else think it's a bit odd that this is a light shield when the standard Dawnguard one is heavy? I wonder if this is an error rather than intentional...

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