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Skyrim talk:Bounty: Bandit Boss

Note about NilheimEdit

While Nilheim may be given as a bounty quest, the zone MAY NOT respawn NPC's. If it does not respawn, you may be locked out of further bounty quests in the Rift. Torinir 01:32, 13 December 2011 (UTC)

Seems to be a bad bug with many of the radiant bounty quests. I'm currently locked out of Whiterun, Eastmarch, and now Rift bounty quests due to stagnant locations. My friend's convinced they'll respawn if I spend 30 days outside the hold, but i'm not that desperate for 100 gold.
Side rant... Bethesda employed 1 Director, 1 Manager, 2 Leads, 29 Regular, and 49 Additional QA personnel for Skyrim. Now, i'm fairly ignorant of the process by which QA testing is handled, but i'd be embarrassed to be a member of that team right now. Then again, i'm sure they had pressure to release Skyrim well within the 2011 Game of the Year... nominations? And what do you know, despite all the glitches and crashes people are experiencing, it still makes GotY. While I absolutely love TES and Bethesda's works in general (exempting Rage...), I can't help but feel the gaming community is settling for "good enough" rather than "only the best". — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 07:22 on 26 December 2011
As several have pointed out, it's one thing to find a fault, and another to get it corrected. I've run across quite a few mapping glitches, some of them blatantly obvious, but whether they were undiscovered by QA or simply uncorrected by management is hard to tell. Bethesda has always been a very heaven/hell outfit: their creativity, imagination, and story crafting is unparalleled, but their technical execution is never very careful and sometimes frankly horrendous. Add to that the obsession with making everything 100% compatible with ever more obsolete console hardware, and you have a recipe for trouble. -- 11:59, 31 January 2012 (UTC)
setstage bq01 100 — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 01:57 on 26 February 2012

Kill the bandit leader located at Nilheim is a Guard ?? (xbox 1.3.5)Edit

i got this quest from Wilhelm at Vilemyr Inn in Ivarstead. and Nilheim is full of Guards. most of them Orcs

i walked right up to all of them, went to the top of the tower where my quest arrow pointed, and found a sleeping Guard.

almost feel bad that im about to backstab him, and hes completely unaggressive towards me.

post mortem update: after hitting him 3 times he was still unaggressive. though he did say stop doing that, this is your last warning the fourth blow killed him and completed the quest. very strange.

RaW 06:23, 19 December 2011 (UTC)

The 'guards' aren't who they appear to be. Investigate east across the bridge from Nilheim or check out the wiki page.

Fix hit " ` " button and type setstage bq01 100

Adding to the Quest TableEdit

Just a random question or rather suggestion: Why not add the location of the innkeeper or Jarl that is granting the bounty for killing the leader of the bandits? After all, the location of where one needs to travel is given, so why not add the location of the individual asking for the demise of the bandit leader as well? Although a very minor side quest it can be an information assist to those that are seeking to increase their revenue and experience by providing where the individual is located.Just a thought 09:23, 2 January 2012 (UTC)smiles, Monica

A problem I'm seeing with that is you will have multiple quest givers. As the article says, any innkeeper, Jarl, or Hold Steward can give you the quest. Perhaps we should instead list the applicable hold? Vardis 22:12, 21 January 2012 (UTC)

quest bug?Edit

I currently have the problem that i had to kill Linwe for getting rid of the rival thieves guild, but at the same time had a quest open for killing the leader of the bandits in uttering hills. now linwe is dead, the guild quest is done. but the kill bandit leader quest isnt done. and the quest marker is in mid-air pointing to nothing.... — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 20:46 on 23 February 2012

Did you find a fix for this one? I have the EXACT same problem and am worried I will not be able to finish the game because of it. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 09:03 on 2 June 2012

White River WatchEdit

Unless I'm mistaken White River Watch has no "Bandit Chief" the boss being a named character, and it is put in the wrong hold, since it's nowhere near Winterhold.--Ashendant (talk) 01:11, 26 May 2013 (GMT)

You're right about the hold part, it's actually in Whiterun Hold, so I'll fix that momentarily. However, it does fit the requirements of the quest target locations, as it has the LocTypeBanditCamp keyword, and has a boss. If you are sent here, the NPC who is considered the boss of the dungeon (has the Reftype "Boss" in game data, 000130f7) will be the target, even if they are named. — ABCface 01:48, 26 May 2013 (GMT)

Is White River Watch a bounty quest location?Edit

I've talked to Hulda, the innkeeper, and I've completed all of the other bounty quests in Whiterun, but White River Watch is the last one I have to do to finish off the Bandit Boss section. However, while talking to Hulda, there is no dialogue for another bounty quest. All I have is the barter one and the rumor one. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 05:15 on 8 August 2013

Yes, as noted in the section just above this one, it does fit the conditions of possible quest target locations for this quest. — ABCface 22:18, 8 August 2013 (GMT)
Its not possible to get a Bounty Quest for White River Watch, it will never be tagged. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 09:34 on 3 January 2021 (UTC)

Bounty Quest DisappearedEdit

I was following the Bounty Quest "Kill the Bandit Leader in Lost Knife Hideout". I had the quest active and followed it to the cave and to the leader and killed everybody. The quest updated, but when I finally got around to going back to Winterhold to complete this quest and a couple of others, the quest was no longer in my journal and the bounty letter was no longer in my inventory. And when I spoke to the steward, there was no dialogue option to for "I killed the bandit leader". Instead the dialogue option "Is there any leads for work" came up and I got a new bounty quest to kill a dragon.— Unsigned comment by SweetOne69 (talkcontribs) at 12:15 on 20 August 2014

Bandit chief died but Vigilants hid the bodyEdit

A barkeep gave me a bounty to kill the bandit boss located in Bthalft, in the Rift area. I ventured close to it on my way to Ivarstead and got a message saying the guy died and I should report it to Anuriel in Riften for a reward. Bthalft was then tagged as both "cleared" and "undiscovered" (dark icon) on the map. I decided to investigate and found two dead "bandits", probably killed by a Vigilants of Stendarr patrol that walked past me on the way, but no sign of the "bandit chief" anywhere.-- 08:08, 24 July 2015 (UTC)

Patrolling Vigilants are random encounters, so I doubt they had anything to do with this strange occurrence --Rezalon (talk) 09:34, 24 July 2015 (UTC)
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