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Skyrim talk:Alftand

Follower BugsEdit

Upon entering the Alftand Ruined Tower, your follower will always spawn at the bottom entrance, regardless of whether or not you entered from the top.
Can consistently reproduce with Kharjo. Anyone else experiencing this? -VC — Unsigned comment by VivixCore (talkcontribs) at 05:05 on 6 December 2011

-edit, seems to be a bug with telling your follower to leave your service and then re-enlisting them. — Unsigned comment by VivixCore (talkcontribs) at 00:10 on 15 December 2011
I can confirm for 360 patch 1.3, I had a follower and 2 dead thralls and when entering or exiting they'd always be at the lower entrance. Pain in the ass when exiting from the top! Lord Eydvar 20:43, 20 January 2012 (UTC)
Also confirmed for 360 patch 1.4, Lydia will follow me out of the top door, then immediately turn round and go inside again.— Unsigned comment by (talk) at 09:53 on 22 March 2012
I didn't try leaving through the top entrance, but when I entered from there Lydia was with me.--Playerseekingbugs 05:32, 18 July 2012 (UTC)

() This seems to be some kind of pathfinding issue. There are a few places where Lydia uses another door to enter, or may enter then leave and come in through another door. Belethor's shop in Whiterun is one, and a couple of other merchant shops. In Markarth Lydia sometimes runs around the blacksmiths via the stairs rather than through it, and often pointing to a place and asking her to wait may result in her walking off is some other direction altogether, (I expect it's something to do with the terrain). — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 05:55 on 25 September 2012‎


I'm not sure if it's usually practiced, but should the story of Alftand be spoiled in the wiki article? I find it to be a little disappointing when I'm trying to simply guide myself through a dungeon with some wiki help, but also get told the entire story behind the events that have occurred before I got there. I couldn't even read this article until I was done exploring because I didn't want to know what happened to the expedition! --Zmedaris 05:04, 2 January 2012 (UTC)

Yes, it's common practice to write things about the subject of the article. See the main page: "This site's purpose is to provide information; therefore, most of the content contains spoilers." --AKB Talk Cont Mail 05:08, 2 January 2012 (UTC)
Right, right. I just didn't know how far that went. Thank you :) --Zmedaris 17:56, 2 January 2012 (UTC)

Entering before questsEdit

If you enter before either quests begin will they be bugged?— Unsigned comment by Grelaria (talkcontribs) at 01:54 on 16 January 2012 (UTC)

I dont think so, I entered there before those quests and I later completed both quests fine. — Kimi the Elf (talk | contribs) 01:58, 16 January 2012 (UTC)

cant clearEdit

cant clear the location although i've killed everything in the glacial ruins, the anomithingie, and the ruined tower. it is still not marked as cleared. do i have to clean out the whole blackreach underneath to get alftand to be marked as cleared?

the clearing mechanism in this game is just so bugged, some locations just wont clear — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 10:34 on January 25, 2012

I cleared the Glacial Ruins, Animonculory, and Cathedral--but only some of Blackreach as far as the Tower of Mzark. Alftand showed as cleared before I went to the Ruined Tower. I'm using patch 1.6. Wyldebill 11:25, 11 July 2012 (UTC)
I'm having the same problem and as a rabid completionist it's driving me CRAZY. Okay time to elaborate. Not playing on a PC, no console commands. I went into the ruined tower first and cleared it out. I used aura whisper to make sure. If it matters I did most of the killing by summoning dremora lords, if there's any relevant glitch. Next I went to the glacial ruins, cleared it, then the animonculory, then the cathedral. I unlocked every chest as far as I'm aware and I'm 100% positive I killed everything (aura whisper)—of course that's not what matters, what matters is killing the boss(es). I killed the miniboss, the dwarven centurion, and Umana and Sulla Trebatius. I cleared every living thing from blackreach, though I know blackreach is unclearable, and I cleared Mzinchaleft and Raldbthar, which both are labelled as cleared. Afltand is not, and I have no f***ing clue why. I tried waiting 30 days for a respawn and killed everything. No luck. I waited 10 days (as it respawns after 10 if you haven't cleared it), and noticed that the dwarven centurion respawns. The only things that didn't reset are Umana and Sulla Trebatius. Naturally, I used dead thrall on both of them (twin souls) and killed them. And did this several times. Still not cleared. Please help. -- Playerseekingbugs — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 18:40 on 9 December 2015

Do quest first?Edit

I just happened by Alftand on the way to somewhere else. Having got to the Blackreach entrance, the two characters by the dwarven mechanism both lacked the necessary part to make it work. I assume you can only get this if you are on the quest. I don't know if that quest will even be available now. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 21:18 on February 1, 2012

Fear not, if you haven't found out by now, it should be. Go find Septimus Signus at his outpost and he will give you the item you need to reach Blackreach through all three dwarven ruins that can be used to reach it.--Playerseekingbugs 05:36, 18 July 2012 (UTC)

Needs more detailsEdit

I know there are at least 50 explorable locations big enough to warrant great detail in getting through them with all items, but I'm suprised that this is one of the ones that lacks much detail still. I can add a few thing from my ongoing exploration: you find the Research Notes first. I'll add more to this when it's not 3 am.--Playerseekingbugs 06:52, 18 July 2012 (UTC)

I stand corrected. Thank you for the details Silencer.--Playerseekingbugs 07:27, 20 July 2012 (UTC)

The upper entrance to the tower...Edit

The upper entrance to the tower - is it the same you name "northwest from marker" ?

There's possibility to easily get to the upper entrance to the tower from the wooden ramp to the exit of great lift from Alftand Cathedral: standing with your back to the lift, simply jump left from the ramp onto the snow, and head straight to the nearby visible tower. no problem at all to get there - I just walked over there to check if this is the tower (because from the description in the article I understood it is difficult to get there?) and to my surprise it appeared to be indeed :) perhaps this access way is worth mentioning too ?

So to the question - is 'The one northwest of the Alftand map marker' the lower or upper one? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 11:03 on 26 October 2012‎

Weird noises after Dragonborn is appliedEdit

In this canyon: (imgur image shows where.) Is this a possible future update noise? 14:34, 6 February 2013 (GMT)

Inescapable corner?Edit

When you face the two Falmer after Jumping down to where the Orc is there is a corner between a light source, a tent, and the stairs that is entirely inescapable. Even Whirlwind Sprint cannot help you escape. I am not sure if I am the only one with this problem, but I would like help. Thank you in advance. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 04:28 on 19 August 2013

Broken thumbnailEdit

Rather than a thumbnail I get the message "Error creating thumbnail: /home/uesp/www/w/bin/ line 4: /usr/bin/convert: No such file or directory"; I have no idea what's the proper place to report the issue, anyone?— Unsigned comment by (talk) at 12:13 on 31 March 2014

This has been popping up all over the site for whatever reason. I can fix this particular instance without a problem though. Thanks for the heads up! •WoahBro►talk 16:25, 31 March 2014 (GMT)

Alftand Cathedral Instant (Partial) RespawnEdit

I have found that I can force a partial respawn of the Alftand Cathedral by going back up the lift to the Alftand Glacial Ruins and then returning to the Cathedral again. I can do this repeatedly with the same result. This partial respawn includes all the alchemy ingredients (mushrooms, Chaurus eggs, etc) in the Cathedral, plus the three Falmer chests, the two Dwarven chests beyond the spear gate, and the Dwarven boss chest beside the entrance to Blackreach. The Dwarven mechanism itself also resets when doing this. Not included in the partial respawn are the two large Dwarven chests beside the spear gate lever, the Falmer bodies, the bodies of Umana and Sulla, or the Centurions. Can anyone else confirm all this, so that it can be added to the bugs section of the page? Daric 22:25, 1 June 2014 (GMT)

I had the same sort of instant respawn but in Alftand Glacial Ruins, so I added it to the bug list. I didn't get extra ingredients out of it, though. I got everything I had temporarily stashed in a chest while exploring get permanently destroyed. I had finished clearing out Alftand Glacial Ruins AND Alftand Cathedral and was already sick of Alftand, and now I have to redo the whole blasted complex all over again. But you don't have to wait for a bug to be confirmed to add it to a page. Just add a confirmed=0 at the end, separated by a vertical line character. That way, it can easily be marked as confirmed as soon as someone else reports the bug. Valeria (talk) 21:08, 25 April 2024 (UTC)

Serious, Yet Humorous Bug - Discovered on the PS3Edit

Oh guys, do I ever have something for you. I have absolutely no idea how this happened, but while playing the PS3 version of the game (all addons installed, nothing out of the ordinary to report, prior to discovering the bug.) At the end of the cathedral, the back wall of the great lift has failed to load for me. I am able to go through the wall glitch and travel about the outside of the area.

Again, I have absolutely NO idea what caused this bug. The disc continues to spin; the falmer, humans, and automatons in the area aren't acting strange; no lag, what so ever. As this was on the PS3, I can confirm that it wasn't caused by mods, but I cannot confirm if it can be experienced on the XBox or PC.

I can upload some (incredibly low quality) pictures of it, if you guys want, but I wound up jumping off (a second time) and I fell too far and died. Interestingly enough, when the game loaded, the back wall was repaired. I'm not sure if it's physically possible to reproduce this bug. 19:36, 28 July 2014 (GMT)

Dead Thralls suddenly die bug?Edit

On Xbox 360 Skyrim Legendary Edition.

I had Serana with me as follower. She had done a silent roll right into me and bounced off of me off of a high ledge. It took quite a while to have her regroup near the bottom.

The door to enter the (Alftand Cathedral) area just prior to the barred gate Centurion Master area to get the key to the lift--that door was guarded by a falmer--I killed the falmer unobscured in sneak mode from the top of the stairs--as soon as I went through that door, both my thralls suddenly died while they were still at the top of the stairs that descend to the door. I had discovered that they were no longer with me after going through that door, checked the magic active effects and saw no reanimated dead thralls listed--so they were dead / gone. I found their bodies there after I defeated the Centurion Master then met the adventurers fighting. Defeated the adventurers, got the Targe of the Blooded, then back tracked to find my dead thralls (via detect dead spell) since they were carrying many tens of thousands of gold worth of loot and custom made armor and weapons for them--enchanted legendary Daedric bow, Great sword, dragon bone battle ax, and so on.

Since, I reasoned, they could not carry their stuff and travel through that door, I decided to go all the way back to the original entrance. Any extra loot that weighed me down I placed into one thrall's inventory before reanimating them and starting the journey back from whence we had originally come. 13:12, 4 February 2019 (UTC)

A second run through while the place had not reset so the way was entirely cleared, my thralls stayed alive. However, upon using the lift, my gaggle of followers was so large that once the lift reached the Skyrim surface I spawned outside the gates of the lift while my party stayed locked within. I never had to use the lever, but had to fast travel to my own location just to get my followers outside the lift gates. 14:42, 4 February 2019 (UTC)
And this sort of thing is exactly why I carry a collection of plates and a platter with me EVERYWHERE I GO. Valeria (talk) 21:10, 25 April 2024 (UTC)
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