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< Skyrim: People
(RefID: 0004E5EA)
Home City Falkreath
House Dengeir's House
Race Nord Gender Male
Level 4 Class Warrior
RefID 0004E5EA BaseID 0004E5E9
Other Information
Health 85 Magicka 50
Stamina 60
Primary Skills One-handed, Two-handed
Class Details CombatWarrior1H
Morality No Crime Aggression Unaggressive
Voice Type MaleOldGrumpy
Faction(s) CrimeFactionFalkreath; FalkreathDengeirsHallFaction; Favor001QuestGiverFaction; Imperial Government; Sons of Skyrim Government; TownFalkreathFaction

Thadgeir is a Nord warrior from Falkreath who, like Tekla, is living in his brother Dengeir's house, the former Jarl of Falkreath. The current jarl, Siddgeir, is their nephew.

He wakes at 6am and eats breakfast for an hour. At 7am, he heads out and chops wood for five hours outside Dead Man's Drink. At noon, he heads into the inn and relaxes for the rest of the day. At midnight, he heads home and goes to bed.

He wears a set of leather armor with a matching pair of boots. He is equipped with a steel sword, and carries a key to Dengeir's house as well as a selection of common items and gold.

Related QuestsEdit


When approached he can potentially say:

"Falkreath was once full of wanderers and warriors like yourself. Those were better days."
"Skyrim's history of war is well documented here in Falkreath's graveyard."
"My brother Dengeir can be... difficult. Take his words with a grain of salt."

Quest-Related DialogueEdit


Upon greeting you for the first time, he'll remark:

"Unless you intend to bury someone this isn't the place you're looking for, traveler."

You can then pick up on this and ask:

You said something about a burial?
"Falkreath is known for its graveyard, traveler. We've buried more dead than you can imagine. I just finished giving my old war companion, Berit, a proper burial by fire. Old hard head hated the idea of being lost cold in the ground. Could you deliver the ashes to Runil, the priest of Arkay? He'll know the right blessings to make for Berit's soul."
I'd be honored.
"Thank you."
I don't have time right now.


Inside his brother's house Thadgeir will often engage in conversation with his brother:

Dengeir: "Do you think Tekla has been talking to Siddgeir again?"
Thadgeir: "We've been over this, Den. Tekla does not share your secrets with Siddgeir."
Dengeir: "Hmmf. Maybe you're the one talking to him then..."

He may also be found complimenting Tekla, as opposed to his brother:

Thadgeir: "Don't let my brother get to you, Tekla. You're doing a fine job around here."
Tekla: "Thank you sir."

Unused ConversationsEdit

He was also meant to visit the cemetery in order to speak with Runil and Kust, but as he never does in the final game, these scenes go unused:

Thadgeir: "There are a lot of good men buried here, Kust."
Kust: "Men aren't good or bad. They're just men."
Runil: "You visit us often, Thadgeir."
Thadgeir: "Most of my friends are buried here."


  • Interestingly, he is part of both the Imperial Government, and the Sons of Skyrim Government factions. Despite this, there are no other remnants that would indicate a specific role for him.
  • His wood chopping package is internally known as WindhelmThadgeirChopWood7x5, implying he was meant to do this in Windhelm. Tekla the maid has a similar package called WindhelmTeklaBasketPatrol7x5, and just like Thadgeir's, her package is also conditioned to work while in Falkreath, only bearing Windhelm in the name. Seeing as Tekla can get exiled to Windhelm, it's possible that this package was originally meant to give her different behavior while there. The same might've also been meant for Thadgeir, and that he too could've originally been exiled.
  • According to the Creation Kit data, he is an acquaintance of Runil, a confidant of Tekla, and an ally of Helvard and Nenya.