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Skyrim:Fort Greenwall

< Skyrim: Places: Military Forts(Redirected from Skyrim:Greenwall Cave)
Military Fort:
Fort Greenwall
(view on map) (lore page)
# of Zones 4
Clearable No
Respawn Time 10 days
Level Min: 6
Bandits, Frostbite Spiders; either Imperials or Stormcloaks
Important Treasure
Mace Etiquette
Console Location Code(s)
FortGreenwallExterior01, FortGreenwallExterior02, FortGreenwallExterior03, FortGreenwall01, FortGreenwall02, FortGreenwall03, FortGreenwall04
The Rift
North-northwest of Riften
South-southeast of Shor's Stone
Special Features
# of Forges/Anvils 1
# of Grindstones 1
# of Workbenches 1
Fort Greenwall

Fort Greenwall is a large fort north-northwest of Riften initially occupied by bandits. It contains four zones: Fort Greenwall, Fort Greenwall Prison, Fort Greenwall Captain's Quarters, and Greenwall Cave.

The fort will be taken over by whoever wins the Civil War, or by the faction currently holding Riften if you first clear it of bandits.

Related QuestsEdit


Both the exterior and interiors are significantly different depending on whether the fort is held by bandits or soldiers.


When Held by BanditsEdit

The fort straddles the road from Riften to Windhelm, with barricades in front of arches that lead through the fort's courtyard. There are up to seven bandits patrolling the walls of the fort, including one at the top of the tower. Most are archers carrying daggers for melee fighting. There is a large covered well in the courtyard, which serves as an entrance to Greenwall Cave. On the ground level at the southwestern end of the fort is a covered forge area with a workbench. Just northeast of the forge is a stable for a single horse. To the left of the stable is a wooden flight of stairs up to the top of the wall. From there, heading southwest brings you to the main entrance to Fort Greenwall Captain's Quarters. There is also a wooden scaffold with stairs up to the area above the quarters, where a trapdoor with a leveled lock can be found. From there, there is a bridge that leads to the top of the tower, which features a campfire with a pot hanging over it and a single bandit.

To the right of the forge area is a door opening into Fort Greenwall Prison, while to the northeast is an entrance to Fort Greenwall. There are stone stairs up to the top of the wall to the left of this entrance. To the left from the top of the stairs is the bottom of the tower, which has a bucket containing a few iron arrows and a typical spiral stairwell leading up to the roof previously visited. To the right from the top of the stairs is a second entrance to Fort Greenwall, with a wooden lookout tower above.

When Held by SoldiersEdit

The fort straddles the road from Riften to Windhelm, with barricades in front of arches that lead through the fort's courtyard. There are a total of three Stormcloaks or seven Imperials patrolling the walls of the fort. Unless you have joined their side, they will warn you several times to move on and that you are trespassing before growing tired of your presence and attacking. There is a large covered well in the courtyard, which serves as an entrance to Greenwall Cave. On the ground level at the southwestern end of the fort is a covered forge area with a workbench holding an iron war axe. Just northeast of the forge is a stable with a single horse. To the left of the stable is a wooden flight of stairs up to the top of the wall. From there, heading southwest brings you to the main entrance to Fort Greenwall Captain's Quarters. There is also a wooden scaffold with stairs up to the area above the quarters, where a trapdoor with a leveled lock can be found. From there, there is a bridge that leads to the top of the tower, which features a campfire with a pot hanging over it.

To the right of the forge area is a door opening into Fort Greenwall Prison, while to the northeast is an entrance to Fort Greenwall. There are stone stairs up to the top of the wall to the left this entrance. To the left from the top of the stairs is the bottom of the tower, which has a bucket containing a few iron arrows and a typical spiral stairwell leading up to the roof previously visited. To the right from the top of the stairs is a second entrance to Fort Greenwall, with a wooden lookout tower above.

Fort GreenwallEdit

When Held by BanditsEdit

When the bandits hold the fort, the ground level entrance leads down some stairs into a room with a single bandit standing behind a pillar. There are exits to the northeast, southwest, and down a flight of stairs against the northwest wall. There are six empty weapon racks on your right when entering. The center of the room has two carts, sacks, barrels, and an empty chest along with the bodies of two dead Khajiit, all in a heap. Against the southeast wall are two sets of shelves holding two bottles of Nord mead. To the northeast is a cage containing the body of an alchemist and a poison. In the northern corner is an apprentice-locked chest. Beside the stairs against the north wall is a table holding a small coin purse, and a brazier on a stand with two baked potatoes cooking on top.

To the southwest is an area with a single bandit either working at a grindstone or standing around complaining to themselves. Next to the grindstone is a row of twelve empty weapon racks. Against the rear wall is a table holding four quivers of iron arrows, a long bow, and an iron dagger. To the northwest are two practice areas, one with two archery targets and a practice dummy, and the other with a practice dummy and three more empty weapon racks.

The stairs against the northwest wall lead down to a large kitchen and storeroom, with a bandit standing beside a pillar in the middle. On the left as you enter are two stacks of food barrels, with several wheels of cheese among the first stack, and baskets of leeks and cabbages among the second stack. On the right is a rack holding two rabbits and a pheasant. Against the southwest wall is a set of shelves holding clutter, with a wall-mounted cage to the left containing a bottle of frostbite venom, a bowl of troll fat, a piece of giant lichen, a piece of canis root, a bunch of jazbay grapes, a salt pile, a sprig of elves ear, and a bulb of garlic. Farther to the left on this wall is a sideboard holding two bottles of Nord mead. In the eastern corner is a large fireplace, with a dead Breton lying in front of it, and two burnt corpses on the fire that can be looted. There are bones littering the floor, and two more sets of shelves around the room.

To the northeast from the main room is a corridor with a small empty room to the left, and a set of empty shelves opposite. A doorway to the north leads into a circular room, with a single bandit standing around. In the center is a campfire, with a pair of pots hanging over it. One of the pots contains a random ingredient. There are two empty sets of shelves against the southwest wall, an unowned hay pile to the northwest, and a third set of shelves to the north holding a woodcutter's axe, an iron dagger, a drum, and a gourd. There is a second unowned hay pile against the east wall.

To the northeast in the corridor outside this room is a flight of wide stone stairs spiraling up, with a bandit patrolling up and down them. At the top, against the outer wall is a row of four empty weapon racks. A doorway to the southwest leads into a room with a campfire in the middle and wooden benches against the side walls. There is a lute, a drum, a flute, and a knapsack by the benches. To the southwest is a wooden door leading back outside. The door brings you out at the northeastern end of the fort, beneath a wooden lookout tower.

When Held by SoldiersEdit

When the soldiers hold the fort, the ground level entrance leads down some stairs into a large dining room filled with several wooden tables and benches and two sets of shelves. Between the tables and shelves there are a total of four bottles of alto wine, three bottles of Nord mead, three portions of grilled leeks, a baked potato, a salt pile, and several pieces of bread. On the southeast wall, at the bottom of the entrance stairs is a row of six weapon racks holding long bows if the fort is held by the Stormcloaks or Imperial bows if the fort is held by the Legion. There are exits to the northeast, southwest, and down a flight of stairs against the northwest wall.

To the southwest is an area with a single soldier working on the grindstone. Against the rear wall is a table holding four quivers of iron arrows and an iron dagger. To the northwest are two practice areas, one with two archery targets, and the other with a practice dummy. There are a total of nine weapon racks in this area holding several long bows or Imperial bows and a selection of iron weapons or Imperial swords. There are two food sacks on the floor in the middle of the room.

The stairs against the northwest wall lead down to a large kitchen and storeroom. On the left as you enter are two stacks of food barrels, with several wheels of cheese among the first stack, and baskets of leeks and cabbages among the second stack. On the right is a rack holding two rabbits and a pheasant. Against the southwest wall is a set of shelves holding clutter, with a wall-mounted cage to the left containing a bottle of frostbite venom, a bowl of troll fat, a piece of giant lichen, a piece of canis root, a bunch of jazbay grapes, a salt pile, a sprig of elves ear, and a bulb of garlic. To the left of the wall cage, hanging from the ceiling is a bunch of dried elves ear. Farther to the left on this wall is a sideboard holding two bottles of Nord mead. There are two garlic braids and a bunch of frost mirriam hanging from the ceiling by the southeast wall and by a pillar in the center of the room. In the eastern corner is a large fireplace, with two pots hanging in front holding two baked potatoes. By the pillar, the sideboard holds two salmon steaks, two seared slaughterfish steaks, several pieces of bread, and a copy of Uncommon Taste.

To the northeast from the main room is a corridor with a small empty room to the left, and a set of shelves opposite holding a selection of Stormcloak helmets, fur boots, and gauntlets, or Imperial armor. A doorway to the north leads into a room which has partially caved in, and is a dormitory with eight soldiers sleeping in unowned single beds. There are two sets of shelves against the southwest wall that hold pieces of the relevant faction armor. A third set of shelves holds a woodcutter's axe, an iron dagger, a drum, and a gourd. There is also a wooden table and chairs, a knapsack, and two chests; one chest has a leveled lock and is partially buried under rubble, while the other chest is unlocked. On the table is a flute, a bulb of garlic, and a piece of charcoal. Several of the beds are buried under masonry or straw, but all can be used to sleep in.

To the northeast in the corridor outside this room is a flight of wide stone stairs spiraling up. At the top, against the outer wall is a row of four more weapon racks holding a selection of weapons. A doorway to the southwest leads into a room set out as a lecture room, with a lectern facing several rows of wooden benches. On the lectern is a bunch of lavender, an iron dagger, and two common books. Among the benches are two knapsacks, a Stormcloak helmet and an iron battleaxe, or an Imperial helmet and shield. The door brings you out at the northeastern end of the fort, beneath a wooden lookout tower.

Fort Greenwall PrisonEdit

When Held by BanditsEdit

The entrance to the prison is on the ground level of the fort, at the southwestern end of the fort near the forge. Entering leads directly into an L-shaped corridor, with one corridor heading southwest and the other heading northwest. The northwest corridor leads past two sets of shelves, one holding clutter with a knapsack beside it, and the other holding a selection of pieces of iron armor. A wooden door to the right opens into a small storeroom that has mostly caved in, containing a row of six empty weapon racks on the wall and a few food barrels. To the southwest, the corridor has openings on the south wall where you can see down to a room below, with a flight of stone stairs at the end leading down into the room. There are two bandits in this room patrolling up and down a further flight of stairs. To the left beneath the openings is a set of shelves holding ragged clothes and footwraps for the prisoners.

At the bottom of the stairs to the northeast, there are multiple layers of thick cobwebs that need to be hacked or burnt through. There are three frostbite spiders in the corridor at the bottom. At the northwestern end of the corridor is a level-locked door that opens into a small room containing an unlocked chest, an empty set of shelves, and a set of working shackles on the floor. The corridor continues to the southeast passing the prison cells, which are laid out down the corridor three to each side. All apart from one contain bedrolls, while the first cell on the left has a single bed and a table and chair, presumably for a higher class of prisoner. Some of the cells are blocked by more thick cobwebs, and there are several unlootable egg sacs along the corridor. At the far end of the corridor is a dead bandit and a couple of unlootable desiccated corpses on the ground. The end room on the right contains another dead bandit, and doesn't seem to be a cell, as there is no cell door. The room is littered with human bones and unlootable egg sacs.

Returning upstairs and passing the room leading to the cells, on the southeast wall is another row of six empty weapon racks. The corridor turns here and climbs a flight of stairs to the northeast. At the top is a wooden door leading to Fort Greenwall Captain's Quarters.

When Held by SoldiersEdit

The entrance to the prison is on the ground level of the fort, at the southwestern end of the fort near the forge. Entering leads directly into an L-shaped corridor, with one corridor heading southwest and the other heading northwest. The northwest corridor leads past two sets of shelves, one holding clutter with a knapsack beside it, and the other holding a selection of pieces of iron armor. A wooden door to the right opens into a small storeroom that has mostly caved in, containing a row of six empty weapon racks on the wall and a few food barrels. To the southwest, the corridor has openings on the south wall where you can see down to a room below, with a flight of stone stairs at the end leading down into the room. There is a soldier sitting at a table in this room. On the table is a baked potato, and behind the table on a stone shelf on the northwest wall, beneath the openings, are four common books, a small coin purse, and a troll skull. To the left beneath the openings is a set of shelves holding ragged clothes and footwraps for the prisoners.

At the bottom of the stairs to the northeast, there may be another soldier. At the northwestern end of the corridor is an adept-locked door that opens into a small room containing an unlocked chest, an empty set of shelves, and a set of working shackles on the floor. The corridor continues to the southeast passing the prison cells, which are laid out down the corridor three to each side. All apart from one contain bedrolls, while the first cell on the left has a single bed and a table and chair, presumably for a higher class of prisoner. The end room on the right seems to be a torture chamber instead of a cell, as there is no cell door. The room contains a chair in the center soaked in blood along with the floor. On the chair are a couple leather strips and an iron dagger. The room is littered with human bones, and has a headman's block with a woodcutter's axe beside it next to the wall.

Returning upstairs and passing the room leading to the cells, on the southeast wall is another row of six empty weapon racks. The corridor turns here and climbs a flight of stairs to the northeast. At the top is a wooden door leading to Fort Greenwall Captain's Quarters.

Fort Greenwall Captain's QuartersEdit

When Held by BanditsEdit

There are three entrances to the captain's quarters: a door and a trapdoor from outside, and the entrance from the prison. The main door is above the covered forge area in the courtyard. It leads into a corridor to the left of the entrance from the prison, which is down a ramp to the right. The zone contains a bandit chief and possibly one other bandit. Around the corner to the northwest is a corridor with two sets of shelves holding four common books and five bottles of wine, and a dresser with a Shrine of Stendarr and an iron dagger on top. At the end is an area with a large fireplace, a ladder leading to a trapdoor with a leveled lock, an unowned single bed, and a set of shelves holding five common books and a random potion of strength. On the floor by the bed is a woodcutter's axe. To the northeast is a small room containing an unlocked boss chest, with a copy of the One-handed skill book Mace Etiquette on the floor. To the left of the chest is a table holding a hat, two loose septims, and a medium coin purse. To the right, against the southeast wall is a narrow table holding a steel mace and five more loose septims.

When Held by SoldiersEdit

There are three entrances to the captain's quarters: a door and a trapdoor from outside, and the entrance from the prison. The main door is above the covered forge area in the courtyard. It leads into a corridor to the left of the entrance from the prison, which is down a ramp to the right. Around the corner to the northwest is a corridor with two sets of shelves and a dresser holding a total of six bottles of wine, an iron dagger, four common books, and several items of clutter. The walls are decorated with the relevant faction banners. At the end is an area with a large fireplace, a ladder leading to a trapdoor with a leveled lock, and a table holding a tactical map of Skyrim showing the current progress of the civil war, a charred skeever hide, a bottle of wine, and several common books. On the floor by the fire is an iron battleaxe and a woodcutter's axe. The commander will either be sitting at this table studying the map or sleeping in a room to the northeast. The bedroom contains a large double bed, with an end table to the left holding a small coin purse and two loose septims. A set of shelves to the left of the bed holds a set of fine clothes, a pair of fine boots, a couple pairs of random gauntlets, two common books, and a copy of the One-handed skill book Mace Etiquette. A dresser to the right of the bed holds five more loose septims and contains a selection of clothes inside. Behind the door is an unlocked boss chest.}}

Greenwall CaveEdit

Entrance to Greenwall Cave
Greenwall Cave

Greenwall Cave, which is not connected to any of the fort's three interior zones, is accessible from the fort's exterior area. There is one entrance inside the fort's walls (the covered well), and one outside. The cave is a good source of glowing mushrooms. The entrance via the well is down a ladder.

Underwater below the well, there is the corpse of a soldier, a letter which explains who he was, two bottles of alto wine, three bottles of wine, six bottles of Nord mead, and an unlocked chest. If you wait long enough within the cave, the corpse will slowly float to the surface. A salmon can be found swimming in the deep water here. To the northeast is a gate with a leveled lock, which leads to a descending path and partially flooded tunnel ending at the second entrance. This entrance is northeast of the fort.


  • To the east of Greenwall Cave's main entrance (the one exterior to the fort), there is a caged wolf. When freed, two Trappers will proceed to attack you, with the wolf siding with you against them. If the wolf manages to survive the fight, it will be friendly, and will remain in the cage area.
  • During the related Civil War quest, there will be many more soldiers.
  • Fort Greenwall also appears in ESO.


  • On the left edge of the fireplace is the tip and bottom of the handle of a second iron battleaxe (as if it is under the fireplace), but you are unable to interact with it. ?
  • If you clear the fort of bandits prior to starting the Civil War questline, when the fort respawns, the interior items and room content will change to those as if the fort were occupied by Stormcloaks, but there are no soldiers either inside or outside the fort. Only a single horse will appear near the stable. ?