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< Shivering Isles: People
This page is currently being rewritten as part of the Oblivion NPC Redesign Project.
The page is being rewritten and checked in several stages. If you make an addition to this page, please update this template accordingly, but make sure you have observed the project guidelines.
Quests: written by SerCenKing, checked by Krusty (in-game)

Schedule: written by SerCenKing

Services: written by N/A (doesn't offer any), checked by Krusty (in-game)

Personal Inventory: written by SerCenKing, checked by Helenaannevalentine (in-game)

House Contents: written by GK (doesn't own a house), checked by SerCenKing

Unique Dialogue: written by SerCenKing, checked by Krusty (in-game and CS)

Rumors: written by N/A (there aren't any), checked by Krusty (in-game and CS)

Faction: written by Already Written, checked by SerCenKing

Spells: written by SerCenKing, checked by Kalis Agea (CS)
(RefID: 00018F90)
Location Cylarne
Race Dark Seducer Gender Female
Level PC+2 Class Dark Seducer
RefID 00018F90 BaseID 00018F8F
Other Information
Health 43 + (6+1.4)x(PC+1), PC=3-38
Magicka 100 + 1.5x(PC+1) (max=250)
Respons. 100 Aggress. 10
Follower During The Cold Flame of Agnon
Faction(s) Mazken; Mazken

Stela is a Dark Seducer Kiskengo posted as guard in Cylarne. You will encounter her after opening the second metal gate in the Cylarne section of the ruin and she will escort you to Mazken leader Grakedrig Ulfri.

As soon as you enter the room she will actively seek you out and stop you. If your character is male, she will be disgusted and say: "A mortal wandering the halls of holy Cylarne... and a male no less. Explain yourself." If your character is female, she will be brief and to the point: "What is your business here?" Nevertheless, you will have three responses to choose from: Depending on your answer, you will receive one of three replies:

"Ah! You are just in time. Go quickly. The Aureals may attack at any moment."
"Then I am at your service. The Grakedrig Ulfri commands here. You will wish to speak to her at once, no doubt."
"Very well... I shall be your guide to Cylarne, then. Proceed."

At this point she will act as a follower and escort you until you reach Ulfri. Once the battle finally starts, she will join her fellow Mazken and defend whichever part of Cylarne you recommended. Should the Saints take control of the Altar of Despair, she immediately return there to defend it. If she survives the battle, she will kneel down in front of the Altar of Despair in silent prayer, until you finally relight the Flame of Agnon. Once the quest is complete, she will resume her usual patrolling routine.

She wears a full suit of Dark Seducer armor, a Dark Seducer shield and a Dark Seducer officer helmet (of which you cannot loot if she falls in combat). In combat she relies on a Dark Seducer weapon and on a Dark Seducer bow complemented with a level-dependent amount of Dark Seducer arrows. All of these items are of the best possible quality for your level. She also has a small chance (10% each) of carrying a random gem, a random potion and a random scroll. Futhermore, she carries one loathsome dark arrow and the key to Cylarne. In addition, she will also be able to cast a set of standard Dark Seducer spells. She does not however possess the usual Dark Seducer Absorb Health Lesser Power.

Related QuestsEdit


  • She will only act as a follower while inside Cylarne.