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Online talk:The Lusty Argonian Maid, Volume 1

Breaks LoreEdit

Doesn't the existence of this book in this game break TES lore seeing as it's author was born 700 or so years after Online? --Resonance Gamer (talk) 07:54, 28 July 2014 (GMT)

Check out The Argonian Maid—An Oral Tradition. It's been retconned into something that has existed forever, making Crassius Curio's version in 3E 427 a "modern retelling". --Enodoc (talk) 08:09, 28 July 2014 (GMT)
On that note, there's a whole bunch of books that shouldn't really appear in ESO: Exegesis of Merid-Nunda and The Last King of the Ayleids are either written by or reference Herminia Cinna, who doesn't appear until Oblivion, and When the Dragon Broke, which mentions the Warp in the West. All of these discrepancies may be explained however by the Ayleid ruin Gandranen Ruins: Tales say that Gandranen was built by an Ayleid sorcerer, a worshiper of Hermaeus Mora who so loved books that she created a series of magical halls that would attract books from across Tamriel, no matter where — or when — they were published. --Enodoc (talk) 08:18, 28 July 2014 (GMT)
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