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Online talk:Hireling Chests

Item DataEdit

Everything except the Blacksmith's Chest is speculation on my part. If anyone can confirm the names/values for the others, feel free. —Legoless (talk) 11:54, 26 May 2015 (UTC)

Found them (or at least, very likely to be them) in the Item Database. Will update with links. --Enodoc (talk) 13:15, 26 May 2015 (UTC)
The one I'm least sure about is the provisioner one, as I think the Provisioner Kit is the reward from Certification. There's no Provisioner's Chest at all though. --Enodoc (talk) 13:23, 26 May 2015 (UTC)
There are also a Brewer's Chest and Leather Worker's Chest in the database. —Legoless (talk) 13:28, 26 May 2015 (UTC)
Indeed. I ignored those because they both defaulted to Trash quality, whereas the others all defaulted to Normal. --Enodoc (talk) 17:53, 26 May 2015 (UTC)
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