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Online talk:Dro-m'Athra


I'm a bit unsure about this whole Dro-m'Athra busines. In Reaper's March, I encountered several Khajiit-like beings with the prefix "Sar-m'Athra", that are described by various NPCs as Dro-m'Athra. Pages with these names exist however only with a capital M (maybe from the Maw of Lorhaj?). Additionally, I remember seeing (and have screenshooted) a Senche-like being named "Sa-m'Athra" (as opposed to the "Sa-M'Athra" that has a page on the wiki). Dro-m'Athra seems to be a catch-all term for both kinds, the Sar- seem to be the bipedal ones, and the Sa- the quadrupedal ones. Should we create several pages for m'Athras and M'Athras (provided M'Athras exist anywhere)? Should the races be Sar-m'Athra and Sa-m'Athra, or Khajiit and Senche? (Sar-m'Athra share the fact that they can be Blade of Woe-d with normal Khajiit). Would the faction then be Dro-m'Athra? This one is confused... -- SarthesArai Talk 21:02, 8 November 2016 (UTC)

Since we have no confirmation on what a "Sar-m'Athra" is meant to be, I don't think we can or should assume that it refers to bipedal spirits. Dro-m'Athra is definitely the catchall term. The races should stay as Khajiit and Senche in my opinion, since really they're just reskins (similar to the situation with vampire NPCs). As for the capitalisation inconsistencies, it might be better to just turn all the capital Ms into redirects. —Legoless (talk) 23:09, 8 November 2016 (UTC)

Should be a ConditionEdit

Dro-m'Athra are the spirits of Khajiit that have been corrupted by the Bent Dance via hearing the Dark Heart of Lorkhaj, becoming part of Namiira's dark litter. This should be turned into a condition.Zebendal (talk) 05:24, 10 June 2020 (UTC)

Yeah, makes sense considering it's available as a player skin. —⁠Legoless (talk) 07:28, 10 June 2020 (UTC)
I also think it should be turned into a condition. Looking into the Lore, Dro M'athra seem to be similar to Vampires as "daedric alterations" of Aedra kin. Molag Bal created vampires by perverting a "child" of Arkay while Namiira created Dro M'athra as perversions of Azura's children. TDLR: if vampires are a condition so to should be the dro-m'athra. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 21:49 on 25 March 2021 (UTC)
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