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Online talk:Cantillon's Correspondence


I changed the skill from Restoration Staff to Destruction Staff. The text is about a destruction staff, so it is appropriate. The relevant uespLog lines are:

[16] = [[event{LoreBook} icon{/esoui/art/icons/} known{true} index{57} bookTitle{Cantillon's Correspondence} collection{23} category{2} guild{0} y{0.43322250247002} zone{Sentinel} x{0.55605393648148} timeStamp{4743643901422731264} gameTime{174504} ]],
[17] = [[event{SkillRankUpdate} rank{6} name{Destruction Staff} skillType{2} skillIndex{5} y{0.43322250247002} zone{Sentinel} x{0.55605393648148} timeStamp{4743643901422731264} gameTime{174505} ]],

--Alfwyn (talk) 23:16, 2 April 2014 (GMT)

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