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Online:Sul-Xan Armorer

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Sul-Xan Armorer
Location The Silent Halls
Race Naga Gender Varies
Health 31,364
Reaction Hostile Class Armamancer
Other Information
Faction(s) Sul-Xan
Sul-Xan Armorer

Sul-Xan Armorers are Naga armamancers of the Sul-Xan tribe who can be found throughout The Silent Halls.

Skills and AbilitiesEdit

Quick Strike
Basic melee attack with a bound sword, dealing low physical damage.
Heavy Attack
A charged melee attack which deals moderate physical damage. You can block this attack to put the armamancer off-balance.
Shattering Staff
The armamancer conjures a bound staff and slams it into the ground, indicated by a red circle, dealing moderate magical damage and knocking down affected targets.
Stunning Arrow
When standing further away, the armamancer summons a bound bow and aims it at their target before shooting, dealing moderate physical damage and stunning them.