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Online:Rosalie Nurin

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Rosalie Nurin
Location Nurin Farm
Race Breton Gender Female
Reaction Friendly
Rosalie Nurin

Rosalie Nurin is a Breton found at Nurin Farm. Her husband is William and her daughter is Ganise.

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She will be standing next to one of the burnt out building, and you are yet another problem for Rosalie to deal with. This is indicated by her greetings "I'm sorry, do I know you? Why are you here?" as you approach her.

Speaking to her:

"Fire, scamps, William disappears, and now strangers on the property…
The farmhands all gave up. Maybe I need to give up too. The farm's lost, and my sweet William…"
Sounds like you could use some help.
"Sorry hero, you're too late to save the day this time. Look around. The farm is in ashes.
My daughter Ganise and I stayed only to search for my husband, but at this point, I think we have to assume he was killed in the fire."
Rosalie Nurin
Location Nurin Farm
Race Breton Gender Female
Health 127,470 Difficulty  
Reaction Hostile Class Fire Mage
Other Information
Faction(s) Supernal Dreamers
Rosalie as a Supernal Dreamer
I could look for him.
"If you want to waste your time, I won't argue, but we're packing up and leaving.
My daughter Ganise is over there sifting through the ashes. Would you mind telling her to come back to the house?"
Sure. I'll tell her.

If you talk with her afterwards:

"I think Ganise is still searching through the rubble in William's old workshop to the west.
I know it's going to break her heart, but it's time for us to move on. Tell her to come to the house."

After you find Ganise and investigate the barn for her, you return to the Nurin family home to find that Ganise has been tied up and Rosalie has left with a man named Sentulus to perform a sacrifice. In other words, Rosalie is joining the Supernal Dreamers and her husband will be her first sacrifice unless she is stopped. The ritual site can be found to the west of the farm in the hills.

Rosalie and Sentulus will be side by side, performing the ritual on a tied up William Nurin. There will be no talking Rosalie out of this, as she will attack if she sees you.