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< Elder Scrolls Online: Patch

Released on October 30 2017.

The Elder Scrolls Online v3.2.7 is an incremental patch that fixes the issue where Eclipse, Petrify, and Rune Prison couldn't be cast against a blocking target. We've also implemented a fix to help with the issue where your character would get knocked through the world against the Uppercut ability. Also included are some crash fixes, quest issues, and more.

We also want to mention that we'll be removing all pending guild invites in an attempt to fix the issue where you aren't able to join a fifth guild. We'll continue to monitor after this patch is live. The size of this patch is approximately 128MB.


Alliance War & PVPEdit

  • Battlegrounds
  • Fixed an issue where your game could crash while carrying the Chaosball.

Clockwork CityEdit

Dungeons & Group ContentEdit

Quests & ZonesEdit


    • You will no longer become blocked if you collect all the Precursor components before attempting to do the quest "The Precursor".


Combat & GameplayEdit


    • Fixed an issue where enemies using the Uppercut ability would cause your character's health to desync.
      • Note: This is an effort to also fix the issue where your character would take a painful trip around the world or even through walls. Ouch.
    • Fixed an issue where the following abilities and their morphs could not be cast against blocking enemies:


    • Bow
      • Scatter Shot: Fixed an issue where the tooltip text on this ability and its morphs were incorrectly referring to their stun effect as a disorient.

Itemization Fixes & ImprovementsEdit

Item Sets

Base GameEdit

Dungeons & Group ContentEdit


  • Adjusted the following Trial encounters to be more forgiving against player character pets:



  • Fixed an issue where your game could crash when viewing artificially-created item links in chat.