Released on September 11 2017.
The Elder Scrolls Online v3.1.8 is an incremental patch that fixes several quest and UI-related issues, in addition to some gameplay bugs involving Lacerate, Befoul, and unlocking the Alliance War skill line. The size of this patch is approximately 123MB. (Link here)
Morrowind Fixes & ImprovementsEdit
Alliance War & PvPEdit
- Fixed an issue where the effects seen on the Chaosball would remain visible longer than intended.
Quests & ZonesEdit
- Ancestral Adversity: You can no longer use the back exit to the final Treasure Room (resulting in blocking your quest progress) until you have talked to Narsis Dren.
- The Heart of a Telvanni:
- Sun-in-Shadow is now freed when the Slavemaster is defeated.
- Stunning the Guard Captain with sleep powder no longer blocks your quest progress.
- Fixed an issue where the Dominator Battleground medal was not fully translated in the French game client.
Horns of the Reach DLC Game Pack Fixes & ImprovementsEdit
Exploration & ItemizationEdit
- Right to the Root of the Problem: Fixed an issue where this achievement for Bloodroot Forge would begin as soon as you loaded into the dungeon; the timer will now start at the first campsite.
Combat & GameplayEdit
Combat Fixes & ImprovementsEdit
- Dual Wield
- Lacerate: Fixed an issue where this Ultimate would not proc the effects from "On Ultimate Use" item sets, such as Witchman's Armor.
- Alliance War
- Champion System
- Befoul: Fixed an issue where this passive would increase the effects of healing bonuses.
Base Game PatchEdit
Crown Store & Crown CratesEdit
Visual Effects
- All Dwarven mounts will no longer spit when rearing up, with the exception of the camel who is supposed to spit rather unpleasantly.
Quests & ZonesEdit
- The List: The Journal Page obtained through a drop can now be used to start this quest.
Main Quest
- Soul Shriven in Coldharbour: The Hooded Figure will now appear in Vulkhel Guard for players who travel there via Wayshrine. There is no escaping her!
- Fixed an issue where Master Writs were not displaying the required crafting style in the German, French, and Japanese game clients.
- Fixed an issue where the "Target Debuffs From Others" setting option under the Buffs & Debuffs setting would not persist after closing the game.