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Online:Omen of Blood

< Elder Scrolls Online: Creatures
Omen of Blood
Location At-Tura Estate
Species Wispmother
Health (?) Difficulty ON-misc-Boss 1.png
Reaction Hostile
Other Information
Faction(s) Supernal Dreamers
Omen of Blood

The Omen of Blood is a wispmother found at the At-Tura Estate. She is a Daedric spirit who serves Vaermina, and is the true form of Lady Adima. Through the manipulation of dreams she was able to seduce Count Hosni and twist him and his organization to her Mistress' ends.

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Once she is defeated she will cry out:

Omen of Blood: "Mistress! I've failed you."


  • Once the Omen is defeated, her mortal shell, Adima dies as well.
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