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Home City Bergama
Location The Winking Jackal
Race Redguard Gender Female
Health 25,974
Reaction Justice Neutral
Pickpocket Medium Profession Commoner
Other Information
Faction(s) Forebears

Nagluneh is a Redguard commoner found in the city of Bergama at The Winking Jackal. She tends the bar directly ahead as you enter.


When spoken to, she'll comment on the recent disappearances, adding in her dislike of the Crowns:

"Business has slowed to a tortoise's crawl since the disappearances started.
Many of the missing were patrons of ours ... friends, even. If you ask my opinion, this smells like Crown mischief."

After completing Gone Missing and you've condemned Justice Istah, she'll say:

"I knew that Crown Istah was untrustworthy, but to murder that many people?
If he would only confess it would probably go easier for him."

If you revealed Magistrate Sulma's lies instead, she'll say:

"As if we Forebears weren't hated enough, our Magistrate falls in with Tu'whacca's mortal enemy.
I am thinking it is better to walk back to Sentinel with a broken sandal than to stay in Bergama much longer."