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Online:Mevura Arothan

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Mevura Arothan
HomeĀ Settlement Nimalten
Location Common Hall
Race Dark Elf Gender Female
Health 25,974
Reaction Justice Neutral
Pickpocket Easy Profession Artisan
Mevura Arothan

Mevura Arothan is a Dark Elf artisan who can be found in the Common Hall in Nimalten.


She will talk about Nimalten:

"Ignore Eager. His shadow frightens him and it's dark in here. Nimalten's a nice place, full of friendly folk!"
What brings you to Nimalten?
"I live here and work at the inn. Until recently Nimalten was a quiet place. Seems like there aren't any quiet places left in the Rift."