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Home City Bergama
Location Hall of Judgment
Race Redguard Gender Male
Health 25,974
Reaction Justice Neutral
Pickpocket Medium Profession Commoner

Loqman is a Redguard commoner found at the Hall of Judgment in Bergama. He sits at a table with Golbahr at-Morad‎ in the northern part of the main chamber.


He gives you the latest rumors:

"If rumor is to be believed, a great many of the disappearances occurred near the gambling hall. I've been giving it a wide berth."

After the quest Gone Missing if you've decided to reveal Magistrate Sulma's secret, he'll say:

"Have you seen the Magistrate since her arrest? I suspect she won't live through the night."

If you've decided to keep Sulma's secret, he'll instead say:

"Have you heard they arrested Justice Istah? I wonder which bailiffs agreed to apprehend him."