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Player House:
Hunter's Glade
(view on map)
ON-icon-house-Hunter's Glade.png
Smokefrost PeaksThe Rift
South of Fort Greenwall
House Prices
Unfurnished 08000Unavailable (8,000 Crowns)
Furnished 10000Unavailable (10,000 Crowns)
House Stats
Type Notable
Size Manor
Style Barbaric
Traditional Furnishings 350 (ESO Plus700)
Special Furnishings 5 (ESO Plus10)
Collectible Furnishings 55 (ESO Plus110)
Special Collectibles 5 (ESO Plus10)
Player Cap 24
House ID 61
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The underground entrance way leads through a portal to an expansive forested glade in Hircine's Oblivion realm of the Hunting Grounds. Those "blessed" with lycanthropy can maintain werewolf form indefinitely in this otherworldly wilderness.
Entrance to Hunter's Glade

Hunter's Glade is a player manor in the Rift. While the house is situated in the Hunting Grounds, the entrance is a portal located in a passage tomb north of Riften.

The glade is bathed in an eternal red glow by the light of the Bloodmoon in the sky above. Notably, players can remain in werewolf form permanently while visiting the glade.

It returned to the Crown Store in 2021, and was available from February 11th to February 25th. It returned again from September 18 to October 2, 2023.



The "unfurnished" house has 128 total furnishings.


The "furnished" house has 102 additional furnishings.


There are several achievements associated with this house:

Achievement Points Description Notes
   Apprentice Decorator 5 Decorate a home you own with at least 50 objects. Furnished or
   Journeyman Decorator 5 Decorate a home you own with at least 100 objects. Furnished or
   Expert Decorator 10 Decorate a home you own with at least 200 objects. Furnished
   Lighting Decorator 5 Decorate a home you own with at least 20 Lighting furnishings. Furnished or
   Undercroft Decorator 5 Decorate a home you own with at least 20 Undercroft furnishings. Furnished or
