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Online:Grandeya Tenvi

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Grandeya Tenvi
Home City Bergama
Location Hall of Judgment
Race Redguard Gender Female
Health 25,974
Reaction Justice Neutral
Pickpocket Medium Profession Commoner
Other Information
Faction(s) Crowns
Grandeya Tenvi

Grandeya Tenvi is a Redguard commoner who can be found at the Hall of Judgment in Bergama. She stands in the southeast corner of the main chamber, usually reading at the bookshelf or poring over a scroll on the desk to its left.


She welcomes you and reveals her political leanings:

"Ruptga's blessings upon you and your house, wayfarer.
I apologize for the poor state of our streets. The recent unpleasantness in the wastes has brought an influx of Forebears from the west—and you know how they are."

After the quest Gone Missing if you've decided to reveal Magistrate Sulma's secret, she'll say:

"Our Magistrate consorts with defilers of our dead? This is the ultimate betrayal.
Need you any more proof that Forebears are not fit to rule?"

If you've decided to keep Sulma's secret, she'll instead say:

"Our Justice heaps shame upon himself and all of Ruptga's children.
May his bones bleach and our memory of him fade."