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Online:Grandee Kalvyn al-Sentinel

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Grandee Kalvyn al-Sentinel
Home City Bergama
Location Hall of Judgment
Race Redguard Gender Male
Health 25,974
Reaction Justice Neutral
Pickpocket Medium Profession Commoner
Other Information
Faction(s) Forebears
Grandee Kalvyn al-Sentinel

Grandee Kalvyn al-Sentinel is a Redguard commoner and the steward of Magistrate Sulma in Bergama. He walks up and down the stairs on the northeast side of the main chamber, waiting for a while on the upper and lower levels.


He reveals his disdain of the Crowns when you speak to him:

"My mother banished me to this Crown-infested hamlet with its absurd bumpkin nobility to "cool my blood."
It leads me to wonder if she already knew people were being kidnapped here."

After the quest Gone Missing if you've decided to reveal Magistrate Sulma's secret, he'll say:

"So the Magistrate is to blame for all this kidnaping brouhaha?
In a town this brutish and rustic … one sympathizes."

If you've decided to keep Sulma's secret, he'll instead say:

"A Crown Justice engaging in petty barbarism?
I'm shocked, truly. See how shocked I am?"