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Online:Forester's Hood with Berries

< Elder Scrolls Online: Hats
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It's festival time! Spruce up your woodland hood with some bright leaves and berries.
ON-icon-hat-Forester's Hood with Berries.png
Forester's Hood with Berries
Type Hat
Acquired From Crown Crates/Unknown

The Forester's Hood with Berries is an unreleased hat.


Slot 1:
Slot 2:
Slot 3:

(The (?) is/are not dyeable)


  • It is referred to as hat_wildhunt002 in the files. The internal names for the Forester's Hood with Flower and the Flannel Forester's Hood are hat_wildhunt003 and hat_wildhunt001 respectively, implying the hood with berries may have been intended as a reward in Wild Hunt Crates at one point.

See AlsoEdit
