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Online:Eldertide Stormblade

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Eldertide Stormblade
Location Coral Cliffs
Race Breton Gender Varies
Health 31,364
Reaction Hostile Class Acrobat
Other Information
Faction(s) Eldertide Circle
Eldertide Stormblade

Eldertide Stormblades are Breton druids of the Eldertide Circle who can be found at the Coral Cliffs.

Skills and AbilitiesEdit

Quick Strike
A basic melee ability that deals low physical damage.
Biting Winds
An attack with both weapons which deals moderate physical damage.
Heavy Attack
Eldertide Stormblade charges a heavy attack, dealing moderate physical damage. This can be blocked to set Eldertide Stormblade off-balance
Feet of Fire
Eldertide Stormblade leaps backwards, putting distance between them and the target. A ground area of fire forms between them and the target which deals continuous minor flame damage.