The Dark Company are a mercenary group made up of deserters of all sides of the Three Banner War in Cyrodiil, both from the Imperial Legion and the Alliances' forces.
They can be found around West Weald, both engaged in banditry and hired for their skills.
Related QuestsEdit
- Another Death in Ontus: Please add a description for this quest
- The Silent Bell: Help Legionary Calvo Dorso recover items from inside Fort Colovia.
- Ontus — A settlement located northwest of Skingrad, between the Weatherleah Estate and Centurion's Rise in the West Weald. (map)
- Fort Colovia — A fort located southeast of Valente Vineyards Wayshrine, in northern West Weald. (map)
- Dark Company: Deserters or Mercenaries? by Legionary Caepio — A report about a mercenary company recently seen in West Weald