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Online:Commander Ortin

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Commander Ortin
Home Settlement Fort Blueblood
Race Imperial Gender Male
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Faction(s) Ivory Brigade
Commander Ortin

Commander Ortin is an Imperial member of the Ivory Brigade and is in charge of Fort Blueblood.

Related QuestsEdit


Talking to Commander Ortin before starting the quest:

"Fort Blueblood is under my protection. I take such a position quite seriously, as you might imagine."

Quest-Related EventsEdit

After reporting to Councilor Lovidicus, he will ask you to find and warn Councilor Abor and have her come back to Leyawiin Castle. She is said to have holed up at Fort Blueblood. When you arrive at Blueblood, Eveli Sharp-Arrow will be arguing with Commander Ortin:

Eveli Sharp-Arrow: "Look, Councilor Lovidicus and Captain Rian sent me. I need to see Councilor Abor now!"
Lurius Corvinus: "And what about my sister? She hasn't been seen since she took the councilor her meal!"
Commander Ortin: "Councilor Abor was very clear about this. She doesn't want to be disturbed."

You can then speak with the commander and ask him to let you see Abor.

"Another mercenary? Is our Ivory Brigade so enfeebled that Captain Rian must resort to hiring sellswords?
Look, as I told the Wood Elf. Councilor Abor was quite insistent. She doesn't want to be disturbed."
Captain Rian and Councilor Lovidicus sent us. Do you really want to get in the way of our mission?
"All right, enough! I can see when I'm being overruled.
Very well. I give you permission to enter the watchtower. Councilor Abor's safety is now in your hands."
Why is that servant in an uproar?
"Lurius? Oh, something about his sister. She's another servant here at the fort. Works in the kitchen, I believe.
Apparently, she brought the councilor her meal. He says she never returned, but the servants look for any opportunity to sneak off."
Why did Councilor Abor come to Fort Blueblood?
"The councilor demanded we protect her. Said her life was in danger, but refused to give me any details. Imperial confidentiality, she insisted. Above my station.
I put her up in the watchtower and assigned a couple of brigadines to guard her."

Speaking to him again before you enter the watchtower:

"Well? Get on with it. Councilor Abor is in the watchtower.
And if you find the missing servant, let me know. I suspect she's off, shirking her duties. Maybe even dallying with the councilor. Knowing Abor, it wouldn't surprise me."

When you enter the Watchtower, you will find Councilor Abor dead and her journal missing vital pages. After investigating the scene, you can exit the building and report what you found to Commander Ortin.

"So? Will Councilor Abor be returning with you to Leyawiin? Am I finally going to be able to get my fort back in order?"
Councilor Abor has been murdered.
"Murdered? Gods, keep your voice down. Do you want to start a panic?
Tell me what you found in the watchtower."
Abor's meal was still warm but untouched, and the assassin left a calling card.
"Let me see that. A black hand print. The sign of the Dark Brotherhood. But where is the servant, Talaise? Is she involved in this fiasco? And how did she and the assassin get out of the watchtower? My brigadines never left their post."
There was a rope hanging from the ceiling of the watchtower.
"That explains some of it, but not all. We need to locate Talaise.
Since you're already involved and working for Captain Rian, I want you to quietly try to find Talaise. Start by talking to the other servants in the kitchen and dining hall."

Speaking with him afterwards:

"I'm leaving this to you. My brigadines are soldiers, not investigators. Besides, I'd rather not send the entire fort into a panic.
Talk to the other servants. See what they can tell you about Talaise and her actions today."

You can then question the other servant's about Talaise, which leads you to checking out the pantry. If you speak with Ortin during this, he will have his soldiers searching the grounds:

"When you find the missing servant, let me know. In the meantime, I have a few brigadines sweeping the grounds for any sign of the assassin, but my guess is they are long gone."

There you will find the murdered Talaise, the assassin having pretended to be her to reach Councilor Abor. After discussing what you have found with Eveli, she will ask you to speak with Commander Ortin before you go and find the remaining councilors.

"All right. You talked to the fort's servants and rummaged around in our pantry. What's the verdict? Did you find the missing servant?"
Talaise is in the pantry. The assassin murdered her. Pretended to be her to get into the watchtower.
"That's … that's horrible! Are you sure? No, of course you're sure. No one would lie about something like that.
I'll tell her brother what happened and send someone to tend to her body. Gods, what a day this has been!"

Before you head out of Fort Blueblood, you can speak to him again:

"We can take it from here, mercenary. I assume Captain Rian has other tasks for you to accomplish."