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Quick Summary: written by Solomon1972, not checked

Walkthrough: written by Solomon1972, not checked

Quest Stages: not written
ON-qico-Zone Story.png Ascend Annihilarch's Summit to locate the Waking Flame's hidden base.
Zone: The Deadlands
Zone StoryThis quest is part of the Zone Story
Location(s): Annihilarch's Summit, Fort Grief, Wretched Spire
Previous Quest: The Durance Vile
Next Quest: Deadlight
Reward: Bladebearer Edge
1 Skill Point
Very High Leveled Gold
XP Gain: Very High Experience XP
ID: 6708
The power of the sun in the palm of our hands…
The mad prisoner Elegian, creator of the Riven Cataclyst, told me we can get to the device by going to Annihilarch's Summit. I need to locate the cataclyst before Sister Celdina unleashes more Incarnates to attack Fargrave and Nirn.

Quick WalkthroughEdit

  1. Go to the base of Annihilarch's Summit.
  2. Consult with Lyranth and Rynkyus.
  3. Ascend to the summit.
  4. Search the cave for clues.
  5. Bypass the Wind-Gate.
  6. Enter Fort Grief and free the prisoners.
  7. Confront Sister Celdina and Nokvroz.
  8. Defeat the Incarnate and the machine.

Detailed WalkthroughEdit

Rynkyus projects a storm shield

After talking with Lyranth and Arox, head to the base of Annihilarch's Summit. Discuss the plan with Lyranth and Rynkyus, then start your ascent of the summit. Stick close to Rynkyus and he will use a storm shield to protect you from the worst of the weather-related damage you might take -- while you fight your way up the mountain.

The dark and spectacular passage to the summit

Nearing the summit, Arox will jump out of your pack and lead the way into a cave passage ahead. Follow him and he'll stop to direct you to look for clues among recently deceased mortals in the cave. Collect them, talk with Rynkyus, and continue on. Back outside, you'll have to disarm a wind-gate before you come to the end of the climb. All of the enemies have already departed by the time you arrive, so you'll have to follow them through a portal to Fort Grief. (If you need to return to the base of the mountain, you can use the nearby portal opened by Lyranth, take care of any business you have, then use the same portal to return to the summit, before continuing on to Fort Grief.)

Arriving at Fort Grief, looking at your map you'll discover you're in the middle of the Niben Bay, just northeast of the city of Bravil, in Cyrodiil. The once-abandoned fort has now been taken over by the Waking Flame, who have converted it into their hidden base, as they patrol its ramparts to guard something secret deep within the fort. Explore to the east and you'll find several members of the Bladebearer Clan. Free them and move north to find more of them. Free them and talk with one of them to learn more about what's going on. Head inside the citadel and you'll find more enemies to fight. Two, in particular, are elite enemies, one named and one not named, but neither should be underestimated. The named one, Disastrix Crastus, appears only after you defeat several waves of minions. Now head into the Riven Cataclyst Chamber.

Defeat the Incarnate

During the fight with the Incarnate, there are four Cataclyst Vessels that must be destroyed. You'll fight the Incarnate for a short time, then have to destroy a vessel before fighting it again. Several times during the fight, Rynkyus will project his storm shield to help protect you from the most severe lightning damage from the Incarnate -- take his offer!

These monstrous cataclysts should be at the bottom of the Niben... along with Nokvroz.

After the Incarnate is defeated, the core of the Cataclyst will fall to the floor. Destroy it. Then, a portal will appear to return you to Wretched Spire. Lyranth will not be pleased that you destroyed the machine and didn't take the time to even examine it before doing so. Meet her back at Madam Whim's to conclude the quest.


  • Fighting with tank enemies in Fort Grief can cause you to get knocked into a Bladebearer Cage, with no way out. ?
    • Workaround: This can be fixed by abandoning and restarting the quest or exiting the area.

Quest StagesEdit

Born of Grief
Finishes Quest Journal Entry
Lyranth told me to gather Arox and prepare myself for the journey to Annihilarch's Summit. I should talk to the daedrat and have him hop into my pack.
Objective: Talk to Arox the Mutilator
Lyranth wants me to meet her at the base of Annihilarch's Summit. I should make my way there now.
Objective: Go to the Base of Annihilarch's Summit
Lyranth wants me and Rynkyus to lead the way up to the summit. She'll follow behind us, along with the Anchorite and the rest of the Bladebearers.
Objective: Climb the Summit
Optional Step: Talk to Rynkyus
Optional Step: Talk to Lyranth
Hidden Objective: Wrong Way
Hidden Objective: Find Key
Hidden Objective: Find Twisted Rod
Hidden Objective: Rynkyus Reminder
Hidden Objective: Turn Right Pillar
Hidden Objective: Turn Left Pillar
Hidden Objective: Reach Annilhilarch's Summit
Hidden Objective: Explore the Fort
Arox suddenly picked up the scent of Valkynaz Nokvroz. I should give him a moment to investigate.
Objective: Wait for Arox the Mutilator
Arox dashed into a nearby passage to follow Nokvroz's scent. He thinks it may be a shortcut to the summit. I should follow him.
Objective: Enter the Passage
Arox led us into a cave and ran on ahead. I should follow him before he gets into trouble.
Objective: Follow Arox the Mutilator
Arox reached the end of the cave and lost Nokvroz's scent. I should talk to him.
Objective: Talk to Arox the Mutilator
Arox said that he smelled mortal blood in this cave. We should look around and figure out what happened here.
Objective: Search the Cave
I found an unusual key beside a dead cultist, and a strange twisted rod of metal. Arox seems keenly interested in the rod. I should show these items to Rynkyus and see what he thinks.
Objective: Talk to Rynkyus
I should talk to Arox and get him to hop back into my pack so we can continue our journey to the summit.
Objective: Talk to Arox the Mutilator
I should continue the journey to the summit.
Objective: Continue to the Summit
An imposing gate made of wind blocks the narrow passage that leads to Annihilarch's Summit. We need to open this wind-gate to proceed to the summit.
Objective: Open the Wind-Gate
The key I found beside the dead cultist opened the wind-gate. Now to continue on to the summit.
Objective: Reach Annilhilarch's Summit
We reached the summit and found a portal anchored here instead of a Waking Flame stronghold. Maybe it leads to the Riven Cataclyst. I should talk to Lyranth before going through.
Objective: Talk to Lyranth
Lyranth is blocked from using the portal at the summit. The Anchorite and I will go through and attempt to find the Riven Cataclyst and the missing Bladebearers.
Objective: Use the Portal
The portal atop Annihilarch's Summit led us to a fort somewhere on Nirn. Wherever in the world we are, it appears to be a Waking Flame stronghold. We should look around.
Objective: Explore the Fort
We came across some of Rynkyus's missing Bladebearers. We should free them.
Objective: Free the Captive Bladebearers
The Bladebearer Hadri confirmed that the cult is feeding Dremora to a device elsewhere in the fort. While Rynkyus gets them to safety, I should continue to explore.
Objective: Explore Fort Grief
We found more Bladebearer captives. I should free them.
Objective: Free the Captive Bladebearers
Rynkyus suggested I talk to his scout, Dothaz, and find out what he learned during his time in captivity. I should ask Dothaz about the Riven Cataclyst and what he observed in his time here.
Objective: Talk to Dothaz
Dothaz said that his Kyn were taken into the Fort Grief Citadel when it was time to sacrifice them to the cataclyst. I should enter the citadel and try to find the Riven Cataclyst.
Objective: Enter Fort Grief Citadel
I entered the Fort Grief Citadel. Now to look around and find the Riven Cataclyst.
Objective: Find the Riven Cataclyst
Sister Celdina and Valkynaz Nokvroz appear to be arguing in the chamber below. I need to find a way to reach them.
Objective: Confront Sister Celdina and Valkynaz Nokvroz
Nokvroz left, but Sister Celdina unleashed an Incarnate of lightning and thunder upon us. I need to defeat the Storm Incarnate.
Objective: Defeat the Incarnate
The Anchorite found a way to interfere with the Riven Cataclyst and stop it from fully empowering the Incarnate. I need to destroy the runic crux that controls the Riven Cataclyst now.
Objective: Destroy the Riven Cataclyst
The destruction of the Riven Cataclyst damaged Fort Grief. The citadel is crumbling around us, but Lyranth just opened a portal. We need to go now!
Objective: Exit Fort Grief
Lyranth's portal returned us to Wretched Spire. I should talk to Lyranth and let her know what happened at Fort Grief.
Objective: Talk to Lyranth
While Lyranth was angry that I had to destroy the Riven Cataclyst, she seemed to think Deadlight was important. I need to go to Fargrave and meet her at Madam Whim's so we can figure out how to get to Deadlight.
Objective: Go to the House of Whims
I returned to the House of Whims in Fargrave. I should speak with Lyranth.
Objective: Talk to Lyranth
Finishes quest  We rescued the missing Bladebearers, defeated a new Incarnate, and destroyed the Riven Cataclyst. Sister Celdina escaped, but we dealt the Order of the Waking Flame a serious setback. I should talk to Lyranth about what's next.
Madam Whim's messenger said I need to meet Lyranth at Wretched Spire. The assault on Annihilarch's Summit is about to get underway.
Objective: Talk to Lyranth at Wretched Spire
* Any text displayed in angle brackets (e.g., <Alias=LocationHold>) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
  • Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
  • Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.