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Online:Bloodmage Cassel

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Bloodmage Cassel
Location Spire of the Crimson Coin
Race Breton Gender Male
Health 235760 Difficulty ON-misc-Boss 2.png
Reaction Hostile
Bloodmage Cassel

Bloodmage Cassel is a Breton blood mage from the First Era and de facto ruler of the Spire of the Crimson Coin. He has prolonged his life with dark magic and is a lich of sorts. You can assist Squire Rayan and Dame Madach with slaying him for good.

Related QuestsEdit

Quest-Related EventsEdit

After agreeing to help Squire Rayan, you will sail across from High Isle to the Spire. Outside the main entrance to the spire you will witness Dame Madach and Cassel facing off:

Squire Rayan: "Dame Madach!"
Bloodmage Cassel: "There's no profit in this. Away with you!"
<Bloodmage Cassel teleports away.>
Dame Madach: "Blast! This isn't over!"
<She notices you and Rayan.>
Dame Madach: "Ah, Rayan! And you've brought help. Thank Stendarr."

Dame Madach will have you assist Squire Rayan with his plan. You will need to create a weapon from items found in the Spire to destroy Bloodmage Cassel's phylactry so he can be killed for good. As you explore the Spire, you will occasionally see Dame Madach and Bloodmage Cassel fighting on the walkways above.

While heading to the Blacksmith Shop, you will witness another clash, where Bloodmage Cassel is hit:

Bloodmage Cassel: "Agh!"
Bloodmage Cassel: "Your pitiful attempt here will see no return. Begone!"
<Bloodmage Cassel flees.>
Dame Madach: "Ha ha! Have at thee!"
Dame Madach: "We've got him on the run, Rayan! Keep going!"
<Dame Madach chases after Cassel.>

After you have created the Imbued Bone Hammer to destroy the phylactery, you can enter the Heart of the Spire to find Dame Madach and Bloodmage Cassel. In the Spire Lower Sanctum, you will find Dame Madach confronting Bloodmage Cassel:

Bloodmage Cassel: "Enough! You will not undo my work here. Die!"
<He hits Dame Madach directly with red magic and she falls to the soot-covered floor.>
Dame Madach: "Argh!"
Squire Rayan: "No!"
Bloodmage Cassel: "Coinless mongrels. Come find me at the spire's pinnacle, if you dare!"
<Bloodmage Cassel teleports away.>

Dame Madach will die after a final conversation with Rayan who she knights. You and Rayan can then enter the Upper Sanctum where Cassel and the phylactery await. The phylactery will be in a room behind Bloodmage Cassel, once you smash it with the imbued hammer, if Bloodmage Cassel is still alive he will feel it:

Bloodmage Cassel: "What have you done? Noooo!"
Squire Rayan: "We've done it!"
Squire Rayan: "I'm going to head back to shore. See you there, my friend."

If you decide to fight Bloodmage Cassel, he will shout:

Bloodmage Cassel: "My power is as eternal as this tower. Your life ends now, wretch!"


  • Even if you kill Bloodmage Cassel after destroying the phylactery, the Sir Rayan's quest dialogue will still consider Bloodmage Cassel as alive.
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