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Online:Birahn af-Angilia

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Birahn af-Angilia
Home City Bergama
Location The Winking Jackal
Race Redguard Gender Male
Health 25,974
Reaction Justice Neutral
Pickpocket Medium Profession Commoner
Other Information
Faction(s) Crowns
Birahn af-Angilia

Birahn af-Angilia is a Redguard commoner who can be found in Bergama's gambling den, The Winking Jackal. He sits with a book or stands just inside the entrance to the right.


He will be inquiring from you if you're interested in gambling at the gambling den:

"You don't plan to patronize this place, do you?
Never mind. Forget I said anything."
Excuse me?
"I do not wish to pry, I was simply curious if you plan to throw your hard-won gold into a fool's sinkhole like this "Winking Jackal.""
Is there cheating taking place?
"In a way we are all cheated, wayfarer. Have you not heard that Uncle Thakh's den of cut-purses receives subsidies from Fahara'jad's court? They believe it encourages trade further inland by appealing to foreigners' greed."
Really? I had no idea.
"Most don't. The Forebears … never mind. I only stay here to prevent my doltish cousin from squandering his wealth.
My advice is this: invest your gold in a stable and legitimate enterprise. Perhaps a tea house or some well-irrigated farmland."
No doubt there is wisdom in your words.
"Zeht's blessings be upon you, wayfarer."