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Online:Arahn al-Bergama

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Arahn al-Bergama
Home City Bergama
Race Redguard Gender Male
Health 25,974
Reaction Justice Neutral
Pickpocket Medium Profession Commoner
Arahn al-Bergama

Arahn al-Bergama is a Redguard commoner found in Bergama. He runs the unnamed stables in the city's northeast corner. The stables have four horses and four goats.


If you talk to him before investigating the disappearances, he comments on the current events.

"Hail, wayfarer. I apologize for my sparse stock. Many and many of my horses have borne my countrymen to safer cities. I find myself coin-rich and horse-poor for the first time in my life. A pity."

If you either let the plot continue in Bergama or expose it, he thinks the citizens should not allow recent events to divide them:

"I give thanks to Ruptga for your intercession, wayfarer. Distrust between Crown and Forebear still runs canyon deep, but distrust is not hatred.
Yokuda lives in all of us—we must strive to remember it."