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Online:Ahdan (Redguard)

< Elder Scrolls Online: People

This article is about the Redguard in Sentinel's Fighters Guildhall. For the Argonian in Blackwood, see Ahdan (Argonian).

Home City Sentinel
Location Fighters Guild
Race Redguard Gender Male
Health 39,959
Reaction Justice Neutral
Pickpocket Medium Profession Soldier
Other Information
Faction(s) Fighters Guild

Ahdan is a Redguard soldier and member of the Fighters Guild who can be found at the hall in Sentinel.


If you're not in the guild, he'll tell you who to speak with so you can join.

"Greetings. It's nice to see another fighter around here. Our numbers aren't what they used to be. Live by the sword and all that.
If you want to join the guild, you should speak to Hareld."

If you're part of the guild:

It's nice to see another strong guild member around here. Our numbers aren't what they used to be. Live by the sword and all that."