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Oblivion talk:Master Zoaraym's Tale

Possible Easter Egg?Edit

Is it possibble this book is an easter egg for the Monk Lu-Tze from terry Pratchet's discworld sereis? There are many similarities in the story to how he has learned his craft in said books. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 20:26 on 29 December 2009

No. Pratchett's Lu-Tze is himself an amalgamation of legends about monks, most obviously Lao-Tze. This book is no different. See this, for instance. –rpehTCE 21:23, 29 December 2009 (UTC)
Fair enough, i didn't realise he was an inreferance himself:p. Not that i should be suprised, this is pratchet where talking about here:D. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 20:33 on 22 January 2010‎
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