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Oblivion talk:Dark Fissure


is there any loot to be had in here? Lalanas 23:31, 29 March 2007 (EDT)

I'd imagine, like anywhere else in the game, that the loot is random and scaled depending on your level. --TheRealLurlock Talk 23:33, 29 March 2007 (EDT)

It can be a pain getting to this location without already having the checkpoint!Edit

It's all those steep hills & mountains. Any suggestions on the easiest approach when fast travel is not yet available to that location? (XBOX 360)— Unsigned comment by (talk) at 00:02 on 28 July 2007

Buy a horse. If you zigzag back and forth at about 45 degree angles, your horse will easily climb any hill. With a good horse (read: Shadowmere) this is a 45 second run from Cheydinhall.— Unsigned comment by (talk) at 07:55 on 30 July 2008
Carbo's Camp is a convenient waypoint to the Dark Fissure, as it is accessible by river and the trail leading up to the Fissure is not altogether bad. Beware of Bandits. Dark Spark 01:34, 2 August 2008 (EDT)

Sanctum ProblemEdit

I have gone into the pit in the inner dark fissure sanctum and thougha tunnel leads out, there is a column which prevents me from passing through. Basically, I'm stuck. anyone else familiar with this? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 14:58 on 23 May 2008

There isn't much else you can do other than backtrack through the passage you used to come in since the 'column' that blocks your way marks the end of the zone. In short: you're at a dead end. --SerCenKing 16:00, 7 October 2008 (EDT)

Tiny Lantern??Edit

Under notes it says that the second zone contains a "tiny lantern" but I have never heard of this. Spent about 20 minutes in the cave lookin around, but I have no idea what this is referring to.

Could someone clarify? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 07:52 on 30 July 2008

For future reference, the comment in the notes section said:
  • The second zone contains a "tiny lantern."
It was originally added by this edit, which provided extra details:
  • 1 tiny standing lantern, about halfway down the corridor near C, not listed on map
However, even with the extra information, I'm still not sure what it's referring to, and I personally don't think that it's noteworthy, even if there is indeed a static item that's smaller than usual. So I've deleted the comment. --NepheleTalk 10:39, 30 July 2008 (EDT)


I have just added what I think is a complete walkthrough of this cave. I have used the Wenyandawik Example to help and have tried to use the best language and grammar I could. In the next few days I will be checking some final minor issues. If anyone had any suggestions or complaints they are very welcome since it's my first time doing this. --SerCenKing 15:37, 7 October 2008 (EDT)

You're doing it well. I went over it to make a few changes, but they were mostly just editorial. Generally telling the player which way to go, and what points of interests there are along the way, like you did, is a good style. Keep up the good work!
Just one small note; please don't edit other people's comments, even if they are just spelling fixes. We have a policy to be very reluctant about editing those. It usually limits to fixing up formatting that breaks the talk page and moving comments to the right place. --Timenn < talk > 07:23, 11 October 2008 (EDT)
Point taken, sorry but I've only been active on the wiki since August, I'll bear that in mind.
Also, is it now 'wiki-legal' for me to remove the 'clean-up OPRP' tag? --SerCenKing 12:38, 12 October 2008 (EDT)
I think so. If you have verified that the contents under Treasure, Occupants and such are correct, and descriptions added where necessary, then it's OK to remove the tag. --Timenn < talk > 06:32, 14 October 2008 (EDT)
I have finally removed the OPRP tag although managing to do so when I forgot to log on. In case someone wondered I am to hold responsable for it. --SerCenKing 13:24, 15 October 2008 (EDT)

mage guild heavonly lightsEdit

ont of the quests you have to do for the mage guild is go to the dark fissure before the next heavonly lights, what is that?! i have seen the beam of lights over the altar outside and it does nothing, there is nothing in the altar and nothing useful in the cave. please help — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 17:05 on 6 April 2010‎

It is for making black soul gems. You have to out a grand soud gem in the altar and then cast soul trap while the Light is present.--Corevette789 17:26, 6 April 2010 (UTC)

Strange Bug with Arch Mage TravenEdit

During the Quest "Necromancer's Moon" I experienced a strange bug. I started the quest and headed to the Dark Fissure and witnessed the Necromancer making a Black Soul Gem. I killed and looted him but then I actually went inside Dark Fissure itself and cleared it out -BEFORE- I went back to Arch Mage Traven. Upon coming back and turning in my quest to Polus and then being sent to Arch-Mage Traven, the latter was broken and didn't give me any quest at all thus Breaking the Mage's Guild Questline.

I had to reload a save to before I killed the Necromancer and before I went into Dark Fissure. I killed the Necromancer and then ran off to turn in my quest to Polus who sent me to Traven and in the case of the latter he finally worked and gave me my next quest. -- 19:31, 6 October 2014 (GMT)

Worm Anchorite as a source of Black Soul Gems?Edit

I just went here to make a black soul gem, on the third shade of the revenant (in game day 25). I did the mages' guild quest on the second shade (in game day 17) and killed the anchorite after he did the ritual, and kept his soul gem. When I went there again he did the ritual again, leaving another soul gem in the alter after I killed him. It seems that this location is a renewable source of guaranteed black soul gems, most likely available at any level. Should this be added to this page/ the page for black soul gems? --ANewTypeOfTomato (talk) 21:47, 26 October 2024 (UTC)

Thank you for your comment ANewTypeOfTomato. I think this is handy information. I will add this to the relevant page. C0rTeZ48 (talk) 23:17, 27 December 2024 (UTC)
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