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Oblivion talk:Brielus Gawey

fast travel followEdit

When I went to see if the weynon priory horse was still at the stables, it was night he was with his torch next to me, I then fast traveled to the imperial waterfront to go to my house and when the game loaded he was there, I fast traveled back to make him go back and then he wasnt there, i went back to the waterfront and he wasnt there either, has he disappeared?— Unsigned comment by (talk)

I have experienced a similar thing... He doesn't disappear though, just start heading back to the city stables. He just seems to go with you when you fast travel if you're near him. I just a moment ago had him "follow" me all the way to Deepscorn Hollow. After moving away from him, he began walking back towards the Imperial City... of course there's some Oblivion Gates in his way so we'll see if he makes it back alive.

This seems to only apply when he has his torch up? Or when you're both at the Chestnut Handy Stables? But somehow I got him inside the main gate to the Taloz Plaza district and he still travelled with me... I would start a bug section for this, but I've never edited the UESP wiki before and I don't think I'll start with this.--Sopor42 14:14, 21 March 2009 (EDT)

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