Weapons of the Fallen HeroesEdit
Mod Information | |
Author(s) | Painkiller_Rider |
Current Version | 1.3 |
Version Date | 7 Jan 2008 |
Links | Nexus Mods |
Language | English |
Translations | N/A |
Requirements | N/A |
Playing Time | 2-3 hours (?) |
Quests (Side Quests) | 2 |
This is a tale with a beginning but without an end, not placed exactly in time, nor in space. For Tamriel is but a small realm in the halls of Nirn, whose life is Time, which flows ever from the first sound to the last word of Akatosh.
This is the story of the valliant adventurer, willing to go through perils to achieve his goals. No more and no less, his paths can lead to great treasure or to certain death, for greed should never be the motivation of action.
This is the story about Heroes and their long lost legendary weapons. For even one arrow can fall the mightiest of the Heroes and even the sharpest of the weapons can be vanquished by treachery.
And so it happens that a boat laden with the breathless body of a Fallen Hero stops on the shores of Cyrodiil. His life must have been a great one, as the wind knows of it, but will tell the story only to the worthy one!
List of Weapons/Enchantments:
- Sword of Gondor: Wrath Of The Fallen Hero (Fortify Strength, Restore Health/Fatigue) / Orcbane (custom scripted Magic Effect: Random Demoralize/Paralyze/Supress applied to Orc Race)
- Glamdring: Foe Hammer (Fortify Personality/Endurance, Restore Magicka) / Sacred Fire (custom scripted Magic Effect: Random Demoralize/Paralyze/Supress applied to Daedra/Dremora Factions/Races)
- Sting: Spider's Bane (Fortify Speed/Luck, Resist Poison) / Daemon Slayer (custom scripted Magic Effect: Damage Health to Daedra/Dremora Factions/Races)
- Orcrist: Goblin Cleaver (Fortify Endurance/Strength, Resist Disease) / Goblin Slayer (custom scripted Magic Effect: Damage Health to Goblin Factions)
- Elven Hunting Knife: Wild Elf's Cunning (Fortify Agility/Fatigue/Light Armor) / Light of Telperion (custom scripted Magic Effect: Turn Undead to Undead/Lich/Vampire Factions/Races)
- Hadhafang: Throng Cleaver (Fortify Intelligence, Detect Life) / Light of Laurelin (custom scripted Magic Effect: Random Demoralize/Turn Undead/Supress applied to Undead/Lich/Vampire Factions/Races)
- Elven War Sword: Elven Warcry (Fortify Willpower/Block, Resist Paralysis) / Punisher (custom scripted Magic Effect: Random Demoralize/Paralyze/Supress applied to Bandit/Marauder Factions/Races)
- Uruk-Hai Scimitar: Berserker (Fortify Strength/Fatigue/Health) / Destroyer (custom scripted Magic Effect: Damage Health Creature Faction)
Note: Some quest-related factions may not be subject of the above applications of Magic Effects.
Warning! The monsters are tough, so that may prevent low-level characters from finishing the second quest. However, the weapons are conceived to be used by higher level characters, so low levels are on their own for this one.
- A patch for UL Dark Forest is available here.