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Oblivion Mod:Tomb of the Unknown Knight

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Tomb of the Unknown KnightEdit

Mod Information
Author(s) TheRealNerevarine
Current Version 4.8
Last updated 29 Sep 2007
Links Nexus Mods
Language English
Translations N/A
Requirements N/A
Playing Time N/A
Quests (Side Quests) N/A


Tomb of the Unknown Knight is a Quest mod which also includes a modified set of Armour, and a completely new (textured and meshed) sword to the game. It a story of the Supernatural and a succesion of long forgotten Knights of Tamriel.

To get to the entrance travel to the Chestnut Handy Stables outside the Imperial City. Follow the path at the base of the slope and travel north, when you come to the intersection follow the left one, soon you come to a wooden bridge, cross the bridge and go up the hill infront of you. You will come across an Ayleid Ruin, with some modifications, on the hill.

Legend of the Unknown Knight

During the Dawn Era many of those called Aedra ceased to exist, their bodies and souls consumed by the act of creating Mundus. However, in their midst existed one being that did not seek to create, but rather to destroy. His name is unknown, and he is mentioned in none save a few obscure legends. However, he did exist, and his actions endangered all the universe.

This unknown being was a balance between the the two forces of Anuiel and Sithis. He was the spirit who survived in the conflict between two eternal forces and yearned for the peace of Anu, when no force existed. When the et'Ada splintered, he longed to end their chaotic existence and return to peace. And so the offer of Lorkhan was intriguing.

But he did not join with the others in forging Mundus. Instead, he crystallized his essence, concentrating it into a suit of armor in the form he knew the other Aedra favored and a weapon to match. Then, he poured all of his loathing of chaos and desire for peace into that armor, and planted the knowledge of how one might go about merging the Aedra and Daedra once again, for he had been too weak before to force the larger spirits to join, but afterwards the creation of Mundus limited them, making them vulnerable.

It was an Aldmer who first discovered the armor. Overjoyed by his luck, he took it as his own without the knowledge of its history or purpose. Over time, his will merged with that of the unknown being, and so began the first attempt to merge the Daedra and Aedra.

However he failed and died and this repeated itself as others donned the armour. Then, a person of unique power found the armour and was not controlled by it, but became its master. He began once again the task of merging the et'Ada into Anu, and this time caused all of Mundus to quake. The Aedra and Daedra, through intermediaries, warned of the armor and its user, and the Ayleids subsequently moved against him. After a long and costly battle, the warrior was defeated, his armor's energy depleted, though still great.

To protect against this ever happening again, the armor was sealed in a vault beneath the Ayleid's capital city, beneath the White-Gold Tower itself, which still stands in the Imperial City. Rumors of the armour remained for some time, and many sought to retrieve it. Legends say that there are tunnels dug beneath the city to reach the vault. Aside from that, the Ayleids also constructed defenses to protect the vault. The folklore also articulates that the power of the armor was enough to transform the warrior into a Wight (intelligent "being"), a being that did not quite achieve full mastery of its un-death.

The Wight stalks its tomb and desires a means to escape and return to its task. The armor is weak now, the being’s thoughts almost erased. But after that little is truly known save that the armor is best left alone. Over the centuries the existence of this vault, hidden leagues beneath the surface, has been forgotten along with the warrior who remains encased in the armor.

