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Oblivion Mod:The Imperial Legion

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The Imperial LegionEdit

Mod Information
Author(s) Ice Eyes
Current Version 4.3
Last updated 27 Oct 2011
Links Nexus Mods
Language English
Translations Russian: Full Rest (v4.0)
Requirements N/A
Playing Time  ??
Quests (Side Quests) 0 (25)


To join the Imperial Legion, you must have an infamy less than 7 and have completed the vanilla character generation (alternatively type setstage Mq01 90 into the console) and then go to the Imperial Prison district of the Imperial City and speak to Garius Mentus about joining.

To raise through the ranks and gain promotions you simply must gain higher amounts of a variable called Esteem - you receive Esteem with each arrest that you make. With each promotion there is a reward (such as a legion Horse) You receive a promotion with each increment of roughly 20/25 Esteem. (However after each promotion your Esteem is returned to zero and you must build it back up again.) - If you reached the Commander rank in previous versions, due to fame, you will still have to gain an Esteem of 45 or higher before you can progress with the latest quest!

In this version the arresting system has been revised, as it was somewhat clumsy and unreliable last time. Now criminals will initiate combat with you when you approach them. As before you will be payed for each criminal you arrest. (When you reach Commander rank, additional payments will be placed in the lectern in your office)

You can bully the citizens of the province, such as confiscating their items and forcing them to give you money. However their cooperation will depend on their disposition to you and each time you goad them their disposition falls.

In addition to this, as a member of the Imperial Legion, other guards will be more tolerant if you commit crimes and will even pay your fine for you. However if your bounty exceeds 75 there is a good chance that you will be expelled from the Legion - permanently. If you commit the crimes as the Grey Fox however it will not affect your standing in the Legion of course.

