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Oblivion Mod:The Duke of Cheydinhal: Ring of Vampirism

< Mod / Oblivion: Oblivion Mod: OQM

The Duke of Cheydinhal: Ring of VampirismEdit

Mod Information
Author(s) aaronmoxxley
Current Version 1.01
Last updated 7 Jan 2008
Links Nexus Mods
Language English
Translations N/A
Requirements N/A
Playing Time  ??
Quests (Side Quests) 1


This mod adds a ring into the game which allows the player to take on 100% vampirism while wearing it.

The focus of the mod is the quest itself which contains a considerable amount of lore on the ring and a few new locations to discover. The quest starts with a note in the headquarters of The Order of the Virtuous Blood (IC: Temple District basement of Seridir's house).

Included among the lore is a new book and plenty of notes to observe and compare to the events in the mod. Reccommended for anyone who enjoys living out a good story.



  • This mod had Compile All Scripts used on it; either clean it with TES4Edit, or use Wrye Bash's Decompile All function.