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Oblivion Mod:Q-Core/Modding

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Getting Started
Your First Action
Terminology and Techniques
Actions - Advanced
Triggers - Basics
Triggers - Advanced
Menus - Basics
Menus - Advanced
Flow Control - Basics
Flow Control - Advanced
Events - Basics
Events - Advanced

Standard LibraryEdit

Q-Core comes with a number of standard actions, functional-activators, and scripting resources:

System Resource Description
MboxMenu Standard Define the text, choices, and result code for the messagebox menu in an Action script.
Create Messagebox Menus without writing input detection loops.
Container-based Display the actions in a container menu as a messagebox menu
IO Get Text Text input from the player via messagebox window. Multi-line support and several input modes.
Access input/output for files and from the player.
Get Number Numeric input from the player via messagebox window. Mouse-wheel support and several input modes.
Ref Rename Uses Get Text to allow the player to rename a specific reference.
Tokenizer Extract and insert string tokens from larger strings. Separator token is definable via script.
File Access Read and write to ini files without having to create pluggy strings.