'Why bother with OMOD scripts...?
- Don't feel like reorganizing an oddly packaged mod
- Don't want screen shots and extra documents installed but want the original package preserved
- Multiple installation configurations
- Help ensure proper installation
Tamriel NPCs RevampedEdit
DontInstallAnyPlugins If DialogYesNo "Do you want the 'no helms' version?" "TNR Shivering Isles" CopyPlugin "TNR - ShiveringIsles no helms.esp" "TNR - ShiveringIsles.esp" Else InstallPlugin "TNR - ShiveringIsles.esp" EndIf
Ren's Beauty PackEdit
This script gives the user the choice between installing the two configuration: full and hairs only.
DontInstallAnyPlugins SelectWithDescriptions "Choose a config:", "Full" "This version adds four new races and adds Ren's hairs to the vanilla races. The four races consist of masculine and feminine versions of her tattooed and non-tattooed Mystic Elves.", "Hairs-Only" "Adds Ren's hairs to the vanilla races." Case "Full" InstallPlugin _Ren_BeautyPack_full.esp Break Case "Hairs-Only" InstallPlugin _Ren_BeautyPack_onlyhairs.esp Break EndSelect
Menu Video Replacer - Calm WatersEdit
Message "Only enable one Video Menu loop replacement at a time. This will modify Oblivion.ini. If you uninstall this mod, it will restore the original menu video loop entry." "Calm Waters Menu Video Replacer: WARNING" EditINI [General] SMainMenuMovie "CalmWaters.bik"
Choose which plugins to install - DLC MOBSEdit
This package contains MOBS patches for four of the DLCs.
DontInstallAnyPlugins If DialogYesNo "Do you want to install a MOBS patch for all of the following DLCs: Battlehorn Castle, Mehrunes Razor, Thieves Den and Vile Lair?" "DLC MOBS" InstallPlugin "DLC_MOBS.esp" Else SelectMany "DLC MOBS: Choose DLC(s)", "BattlehornCastle", "ThievesDen", "MehrunesRazor", "VileLair" Case BattlehornCastle InstallPlugin "Battlehorn_mobs.esp" Break Case ThievesDen InstallPlugin "Thievesden_mobs.esp" Break Case MehrunesRazor InstallPlugin "Mehrunes_mobs.esp" Break Case VileLair InstallPlugin "Lair_mobs.esp" Break EndSelect EndIf
The script below allows the user to choose a whether or not to install the optional combat setting plugin during installation.
DontInstallAnyPlugins DontInstallPlugin "OMOBS Optional Combat Settings.esp" If DialogYesNo "Do you want to install the optional combat settings? (OOO already incorporates this. If OOO is installed, choose 'No'.)" "OMOBS" InstallPlugin "OMOBS Optional Combat Settings.esp" EndIf InstallAllPlugins
OOO 1.34b5Edit
This mod contains one optional plugin, and you may not want to install it, so it is best that you make a script in order to avoid the messy process of deleting OBMM-installed plugins.
DontInstallPlugin "OOO-Waterfish.esp" If DialogYesNo "Do you want to install OOO's water fish option? (Warning: It can have a significant affect on FPS. Do not install this if using a weak CPU.)" "OOO 1.34b5" InstallPlugin "OOO-Waterfish.esp" EndIf
See AlsoEdit
External LinksEdit
- ABO's OMOD Collection - TESNexus <-- ABO uploaded OMOD versions and OMOD conversion data for various mods;
- BAIN vs. OBMM - UESPWiki;
- How To Create an OMOD - TESCSWiki <-- more in-depth description of the OMOD creation process targeted at mod makers;
- LHammond's TESCS Wiki Page - direct links to many of LHammond's tutorials;
- OBMM HowTo - LHammond's OBMM website <-- has many, many tutorials and other useful OBMM info;
- OBMM HowTo - Script Analyzer - LHammond's OBMM HowTo website;
- OBMM HowTo - Tutorials - LHammond's OBMM HowTo website;
- OBMM ReadMe;
- Search "OMOD Installer" - TESNexus <-- search for OMOD scripts;
- Search for "OBMM Script" - TESNexus <-- search for omod scripts;
- Search for "OMOD Conversion Data" - TESNexus <-- search for OMOD scripts;
- Search for "OMOD Info" - TESNexus <-- search for OMOD scripts;
- Timeslip's Oblivion utilities and mods