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Oblivion Mod:NNW and Lady Rowena's Ayleid Ruins Expanded

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NNW and Lady Rowena's Ayleid Ruins ExpandedEdit

Mod Information
Author(s) NNW, Lady Rowena
Current Version 2.2
Last updated 4 Aug 2011
Links Ei der Zeit, Nexus Mods, Elder Scrolls Portal
Language German and English
Translations N/A
Requirements Shivering Isles
Playing Time  ??
Quests (Side Quests) 3


A very long time ago, an artifact filled with stored knowledge was hidden by the Ayleids in an unspecified Ayleid ruin, together with lots of gold, welkynd stones and other useful things. Approximately 80 years ago, an Imperial Army troop stumbled across a strange artifact in a ruin of completely strange architectural style - partly Ayleid, partly completely unique. Since they didn't know anything about it, they simply let it disappear into the Emperor's vault...

The Mages Guild implies this in the Black Horse Courier, but when they asked the Council to "borrow" it, they were turned away. At the time, this article was published, there was a nosy mage in the Guild named Carahil. She had built an ally in Hannibal Traven so when he became Archmage, she could get him to pursue investigations to get information about things to which she didn't have access.

But all attempts to find out something about the secret have been fruitless. With Traven's death, Carahil has lost her opportunity to get any information about the artifacts... At the same time, another Member of the Guld employs investigations about it. However, this has inadvertently his documents in the guild about it... But the attempts of both sides to get more hints about the secret are been fruitless.

Our paper chase sends you on a hunt for a special type of Ayleid artifact. This is, as might be expected, well-concealed. Maybe you can find what they have not?

Search in the Anvil Mages Guild for the newspaper article and in the Skingrad Guild for the forgotten document.


  • A patch for UL Jerall Glacier is available here.
