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Oblivion Mod:Lauranel

< Mod / Oblivion: Oblivion Mod: OQM


Mod Information
Author(s) Pharazon
Current Version 1.2
Last updated 28 May 2007
Links Ei der Zeit
Language German
Translations N/A
Requirements N/A
Playing Time 2 hours
Quests (Side Quests) 7


A man named Torbak stands before an old Ayleid ruin near Anvil. He asks you to enter the old ruin, because strange intrigues were going on there. But it turns out that far more is going on than expected in the ruins, and the player will eventually go through a portal to save Cyrodiil...


  • Approx. 2 hours of gameplay
  • A new world with three new islands
  • 12 characters, all of them bearing a sometimes strange life of their own
  • Seven quests to solve.
  • Eight dungeons to clear.



  • Has many dirty edits.