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Oblivion:The Fume Vaults

< Oblivion: Places: Planes of Oblivion
Oblivion Caves:
The Fume Vaults
# of Possible Sections 3
Important Treasure
Console Location Code

The Fume Vaults is a collection of three cave sections, and part of the Random Oblivion Caves.

When entering from either The Hate Tunnels or the Worm Gut Channels, you may end up in either one of these three zones, or one of the four Molten Halls. All of these channels have a single entrance and a single exit. Where the exit leads to is determined randomly.

The Fume Vaults (02)Edit

Key to Map
The Fume Vaults
You can recognize the hole in the ceiling.

At the start of this cave section you choose which direction to take. The left direction will lead you directly to the door to the next cave section. The other tunnel is a dead end, but contains 4 Fleshy Pods at the end, guarded by possibly a few Daedra.



Doors and gates:

The Fume Vaults (04)Edit

The Fume Vaults
There are a few pits with smoke coming out of them in the first area.

Pass through this cave section by keeping the rock wall at your left hand. Eventually you will notice a tunnel leaving left from you. If you go straight ahead here, you will encounter the door to the next cave section. When you choose to enter the tunnel instead you can pick up some extra treasure. The area you arrive in will have one Fleshy Pod, but there is an option here to find a boss-level Fleshy Pod. You will have to jump into the pit of lava and quickly swim north. Jumping out of the pit is actually much more difficult, as it requires a combination of Water Walking and high Acrobatics, not to mention the measures to combat the constant lava damage. Make sure you have saved before attempting to reach the boss-level Fleshy Pod.



Doors and gates:


  • 5 (aggressive) Harrada Root plants marked by yellow dots on map

The Fume Vaults (06)Edit

The Fume Vaults
You can see the base of a tower in the distance.

You start out in a small area and you have to proceed through a long tunnel. You will arrive in an area which contains what seems to be the base of a tower. Behind that base you can find a boss-level Fleshy Pod. Continue through the tunnel until you arrive at a junction. Taking the left route will lead you to a dead end, with two Fleshy Pods and one Daedra guarding them. The other tunnel will lead you to the door to the next cave section. Right above the door is a small area that can only be reached by jumping through the gap in the ceiling. This requires extreme acrobatics, unfortunately.



Doors and gates:


  • 1 (aggressive) Harrada Root plant marked by a yellow dot on map