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Oblivion:Callia Bincal

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Quests: written by Already Written, checked by SerCenKing (CS & in-game)

Schedule: written by SerCenKing (in-game)

Services: written by Forfeit (CS, none), checked by SerCenKing (in-game)

Personal Inventory: written by mxk101(CS), checked by Helenaannevalentine

House Contents: written by GK (N/A - lives at Crestbridge Camp), checked by Emoboy64 (In-Game)

Unique Dialogue: written by Alpha Kenny Buddy (CS), checked by SerCenKing (in-game)

Rumors: written by SerCenKing (CS)

Faction: written by Already written, checked by Jeancey (CS)

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Callia Bincal
(RefID: 0003186B)
Location Crestbridge Camp
Race Breton Gender Female
Level 10 Class Commoner
RefID 0003186B BaseID 00031869
Other Information
Health 120 Magicka 105
Responsibility 80 Aggression 5
Faction(s) Cropsford faction
Callia Bincal

Callia Bincal, a Breton commoner, is taking refuge at Crestbridge Camp with her husband Aloys and her father Barthel little ways from their village at Cropsford. The group has recently moved from High Rock after purchasing land in the Nibenay Basin with the idea of building their own settlement. However, they are currently having a little trouble with nearby goblins.

When you first meet her at the camp, Callia follows a very simple schedule: sleeping from midnight to 6am and spending the rest of the day alternating between eating, sleeping or wandering around on a random basis. Once you end the goblin war, her and the rest of the family will relocate to Cropsford and spend most of the day busying themselves around the settlement. She will only take a break to sleep between 10pm and 6am, which she does in one of the tents before the first building is constructed (though this is affected by a bug) and in the bedroom of the first building thereafter.

She only has the clothes that she wears: a shirt with suspenders, a pair of green felt linens with rough leather shoes, and a small amount of gold.

Related QuestsEdit

Quest-Related EventsEdit

When first arriving at the camp, you may overhear some conversations between Callia and her husband:

Aloys: "I think we should just pack up and go home."
Callia: "Have faith, Aloys. I'm sure my father will think of something."
Aloys: "Your father was the one that got us into this mess! I'm tired of you always defending him."
Callia: "Goodbye, darling."
Aloys: "I'm running out of patience with Barthel."
Callia: "How are you doing, dear?"
Aloys: "You know what I think. We should go home before the goblins find us and kill us all."

If you speak to Callia before speaking to her father, she welcome you to the camp and update you on the family's situation:

"Welcome, traveller. We're all so worried about the goblins, we may not be as hospitable as we should be."
"Everything was going well. We had set up camp at Cropsford, and it looked like a beautiful spot. Then the goblins attacked. Thank Y'ffre that Mirisa was there! Without her, the goblins would have surely killed us all."
"My father hired her as a guide at an inn south of here. Good thing, too. She saved our lives, and led us safely back here after the goblin attack."
"It was my father's dream, for us all to start a new life there. He spent everything he had to buy the land. Now it all seems to be ruined."
"Barthel Gernand is my father. I'm worried about him. I think it will break his heart if we can't build Cropsford."

Callia is also quite loving in her interactions with her father, as you can hear from the tone of her greeting and farewells:

"Hello, father."
"Take care, father."

If you speak to her again after agreeing to rid them of the goblins, she'll redirect you to her father:

"If it's about Cropsford, please talk to my father. He'll know what to do."

Speaking to Callia after you've ended the goblin war, but before they've put up the first building in Cropsford, will have her thank you for giving them a chance to construct their new home:

"I can't thank you enough for your help! You gave us another chance at a new life."

After the first building goes up, she will instead say:

"What do you think about our new home? It's smaller than our old house back in High Rock, but we built it with our own hands."

Her father will also be pleased:

"I'm happy with our progress so far. I feel better knowing that Callia and Aloys have a home again."

Once the settlement is finished, she will thank you once more for all you've done:

"Our little farm is thriving. We couldn't have done it without your help. Come back and visit us anytime."


  • Once the Bincals move to Cropsford, all three members of the family will want to go to sleep at 10pm. However, until the first building is constructed there are only two bedrolls present, meaning one of the family will instead spend the night wandering around. ?