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Oblivion:Antus Flonius

< Oblivion: People
Antus Flonius
(RefID: 0006741B)
Home City Leyawiin
Location Leyawiin Fighters Guild
Race Imperial Gender Male
Level 6 Class Warrior
RefID 0006741B BaseID 00067418
Other Information
Health 90 Magicka 107
Responsibility 60 Aggression 5
Faction(s) Leyawiin; Fighters Guild Apprentice(Apprentice Apprentice)
Antus Flonius

Antus Flonius is an Imperial warrior and an Apprentice of the Fighters Guild in Leyawiin.

The Leyawiin Guild Hall is located next door to the competing Blackwood Company and, as a result, Antus lives a life with no assignments and not much to do. He always sleeps in the east wing on the second floor between midnight and 6am. As soon as he wakes up he crosses the hallway to meet up with fellow guild member Brodras for a four-hour sparring session. After that he heads down to the ground floor and wanders around until his lunchtime at noon. After two hours he heads up to the western area of the third floor and relaxes in there for two hours. At 4pm he heads downstairs once again and spends a bit of time chatting with the other members before finally finding a seat at the dinner table at 6pm. He eats for three hours and spends the last hours of his day on the ground floor until he goes to bed at midnight.

He wields an iron longsword and blocks with an iron shield. During the day, he wears iron boots, coarse linens, and a leveled and possibly enchanted cuirass, always of the best available quality. At night, he takes off his armor and puts on a more relaxing green wool shirt and a pair of oiled linen shoes.